Set up the preparation schemes

Set up preparation schemes to define the doses and dimensions of your treatments.

Before you begin

You have set up the assay elements.

About this task

Created from scratch, Dose-response analysis documents have a multi-dose preparation scheme in the form of a two-fold geometric sequence with one replicate. For this use case, you switch to a stepwise concentration sequence with two replicates. The working concentration is defined individually for each step (300, 150, 100, 50, 20, 0.1).

The single-dose preparation scheme is set up with one replicate. For this use case, you work with two replicates.

Note: By default, the multi-dose preparation scheme is assigned to the Standard sample, the single-dose preparation scheme is assigned to the Test samples. If you define your assay data and preparation schemes in an order different from the one described in this use case, make sure these assignments are still correct.


To set up the preparation schemes:
  1. In the Content editor, go to Setup > Preparation schemes.
To set up the multi-dose preparation scheme:
  1. Expand the Multi-dose scheme element.
  2. Set up the scheme as follows:
    1. As the Number of replicates, enter 2.
    2. Switch from Geometric sequence to Stepwise concentration sequence.
    3. Use the Creatable elements pane to add five extra Working concentration elements.
    4. Enter the following working concentrations: 300, 150, 100, 50, 20, 0.1.
To set up the single-dose preparation scheme:
  1. Expand the Single-dose scheme, element.
  2. As the Number of replicates, enter 2.
  3. Save the document.

What to do next

Define your plate layout.