Set up the assay elements

Set up the assay elements required for this use case, that is, elements for the Standard and the Test samples.

Before you begin

You have created a Dose-response analysis document.

About this task

For this use case, you work with a Standard sample and six Test samples. Set up the Standard sample such that its concentration is based on the stock solution. For the Test samples, keep the default setup. The Standard sample and the Test samples are measured in duplicates.


To add the assay elements required for this use case:
  1. In the Content editor, go to Setup > Assay elements.
  2. Created from scratch, Dose-response analysis documents have one Test sample. To set up six Test samples, add five extra Test elements:
    1. In the Creatable elements pane, right-click Test, and then select Create multiple elements from the context menu.
    2. In the Create multiple elements dialog, change the value of Number of elements to create to 5.
    3. To add the elements, select OK.
    Result: Your assay now has six Test samples.
To set up the Standard sample:
  1. Expand the Standard element.
  2. Use the Creatable elements pane to add a Concentration: Defined by stock solution element.
  3. Set up the Concentration: Defined by stock solution element as follows:
    1. As the Numerical value, enter 300.
    2. As the Unit, enter nmol/l.
  4. Save the document.

What to do next

Set up the preparation schemes.