Find reference information on document elements of the Dose-Response Analysis Package, letters E to L.
EC percentile
Enter the percentile for which you want to test.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
T_Double0to100Exclusive | 1...1 | required | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Test on effective concentration/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Test on effective concentration/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Effective concentration/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Effective concentration/
Effective concentration
Allows you to calculate and report Effective concentrations.
Expand the node to add or view information.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
T_ECn | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Additional calculations/
This section allows you to document the equipment used to perform this assay.
Expand the node to add or view information.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:empty | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Documentation/
Equipment name
Enter the name of the equipment.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 1...1 | required | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Documentation/Equipment/choice/
Equipment reference
Select an equipment document.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
T_EquipmentReference | 1...1 | required | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Documentation/Equipment/choice/
Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays
Equivalence margin development utilizes data of existing assays to develop and verify test systems that can be exported and applied in new assay development. Visualization is also available for existing test systems.
Navigate through the properties to select or enter settings you require:
1. Expand the node to add or view information. The second level of the document structure displays the Name and Date of the document. It also provides access to the Settings, Datatable, Margin development, Test strategies (verification), and Visualization sections.
2. Double-click the Identification element in the Creatable elements pane to add it to the document.
3. Double-click the Comment element in the Creatable elements pane to add a Comment section to the document.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:empty | 1...1 | required | none |
Top level
Equivalence test (parameter estimate)
Add one or several equivalence tests for single parameters to your assay.
The following table lists all available tests and indicates which models they support:
Equivalence test on the: | Linear model | 4-parameter logistic model | 5-parameter logistic model | 3-parameter logistic model with fixed lower or upper asymptote |
Upper asymptote (A) (nonlinear models) | no | yes | yes | with fixed Lower asymptote |
B parameter (nonlinear models) | no | yes | yes | yes |
C parameter (nonlinear models) | no | yes | yes | yes |
Lower asymptote (D) (nonlinear models) | no | yes | yes | with fixed Upper asymptote |
Asymmetry parameter (G) (nonlinear models) | no | no | yes | no |
Intercept (linear models) | yes | no | no | no |
Slope (linear models) | yes | no | no | no |
Difference of asymptotes (A – D) (nonlinear models) | no | yes | yes | no |
Ratio of asymptotes (A / D) (nonlinear models) | no | yes | yes | no |
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
T_EquivalenceTestForDra | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
Equivalence test (parameter estimate)
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
L_EquivalenceTestsParameterEstimate | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Margin development/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/
Exclude assay
Marks dataset rows to be excluded from calculating margins.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
ds:T_TechnicalOutlierColumn | 1...1 | required | none |
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Datatable/
Exclude from analysis / invalid assay element
Select the 'yes' option from the drop-down list to exclude this assay element from analysis. Or select 'no' to include it.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
T_SSY_Boolean | 1...1 | required | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Setup/Assay elements/Control/
/Dose-response analysis/Setup/Assay elements/Test/
(Externally) studentized residuals test
Provides a model-based approach to outlier detection.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:empty | 1...1 | required | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Data selection schemes/Data selection scheme/choice/
F-test (hypothesis test)
Add one or several F-tests to your assay.
Select the F-test you want to use from the Type drop-down list.
The following options are available:
- Lack of fit
- Model
Supported models:
F-values are calculated as follows.
Lack of fit Tests for the significance of the non-linearity term. The F-value is calculated as follows: F = MSLackOfFit / MSPureError. Where: MS is the mean squared error. The test is passed if F ≤ Fcritical.
Model Tests for the significance of the regression term. The F-value is calculated as follows: F = MSModel / MSResidualError. Where: MS is the mean squared error. The test is passed if F ≥ Fcritical.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
T_FTestForDra | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
File name
Automatically inserts the file name of the data source when you import data.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Documentation/Data source/
Geometric sequence
Allows you to define an n-fold geometric sequence. That is, the dilution sequence has 'n' steps, and each of the 'n - 1' terms after the first is found by multiplying the previous by a fixed number.
The dose value for step number 'j' of an n-fold sequence is given by:
= First dose | = First dose / Base | = First dose / Base^2 | = First dose / Base^n | ||
1 | 2 | 1.0 | 0.5 | 0.25 | 0.125 |
8 | 2 | 8.0 | 4.0 | 2.0 | 1.0 |
1 | 0.5 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 4.0 | 8.0 |
5 | 3 | 5.0 | 1.67 | 0.56 | 0.19 |
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
T_GeometricSequence | 1...1 | required | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Setup/Preparation schemes/Multi-dose scheme/choice/
This section allows you to define how graphs are displayed.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:empty | 1...1 | required | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Settings/
Grubbs test
Provides a statistical test for the detection of data outliers based on: Grubbs, Frank E. 1969. 'Procedures for detecting outlying observations in samples.' Technometrics 11 (1): 1-21.
The test is based on replicates. Sensitivity is defined by the respective alpha value.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:empty | 1...1 | required | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Data selection schemes/Data selection scheme/choice/
Enter a string to identify this document by this string rather than its name.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Dose-response analysis/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/
Enter a string to identify this document by this string rather than its name.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/
Import comment
Enter text to provide additional information on the data import.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:string | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Documentation/Data source/
Import module identification
Automatically inserts information that allows you to identify the import module used to import data.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Documentation/Data source/
Import time stamp
Automatically inserts the current date and time when you import data.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:dateTime | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Documentation/Data source/
Enter text that describes this Report group.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:string | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Setup/Report groups/Report group/
Initial working concentration
Enter a number to specify the first concentration of this sequence.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
T_NonNegativeDouble | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Setup/Preparation schemes/Multi-dose scheme/choice/Geometric sequence/
/Dose-response analysis/Setup/Preparation schemes/Multi-dose scheme/choice/Linear sequence/
/Dose-response analysis/Setup/Preparation schemes/Multi-dose scheme/choice/Stepwise dilution sequence/
Intercept (linear models)
Use this test for the following models:
- Linear parallel-line model
- Slope ratio model
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
T_SingleTestStrategy | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Margin development/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Margin development/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/
Enter a key to identify the user variable.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 1...1 | required | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Documentation/User variable/
/Dose-response analysis/Setup/Assay elements/Standard/User variable/
/Dose-response analysis/Setup/Assay elements/Test/User variable/
/Dose-response analysis/Setup/Assay elements/Control/User variable/
Enter text to specify the Label to be displayed.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 1...1 | required | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Additional calculations/Effective concentration/
Label of the x-axis
Enter a name for the x-axis.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Settings/Graphics/
Label of the y-axis
Enter a name for the y-axis.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Settings/Graphics/
Linear sequence
Allows you to define a linear sequence. That is, each term after the first is found by adding a fixed number to the previous.
The dose value for step number 'j' of a linear sequence is given by:
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
T_LinearSequence | 1...1 | required | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Setup/Preparation schemes/Multi-dose scheme/choice/
Linked document
Select a document.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
dr:T_DocumentReference | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Comment/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Comment/
Logarithm base
Select the logarithm to be used for transforming your dose values.
The following options are available from the drop-down list:
- Binary logarithm (base 2)
- Natural logarithm (base e)
- Decimal logarithm (base 10)
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
T_LogType | 1...1 | required | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Analytical model/choice/Logarithmic dose transformation/
Logarithm base
Select the logarithm to be used for transforming your response values.
The following options are available from the drop-down list:
- Binary logarithm (base 2)
- Natural logarithm (base e)
- Decimal logarithm (base 10)
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
T_LogType | 1...1 | required | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Response data processing/choice/Transformation/choice/Logarithmic response transformation/
Logarithm base
Here you can select the logarithm base used for the transformation. Select one off
- binary logarithm (logarithm base 2)
- natural logarithm (logarithm base e)
- decimal logarithm (logarithm base 10)
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
T_LogTypeVisualization | 1...1 | required | none |
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Visualization/choice/Logarithmic dose transformation/
Logarithmic dose transformation
Performs a logarithmic transformation of the dose values at the beginning of the calculation.
Expand the node to add or view information.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:empty | 1...1 | required | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Analytical model/choice/
Logarithmic dose transformation
If this is element is selected the dose values will be logarithmically transformed at the start of the calculation. The logarithmic base can be selected as part of this element. If you do not want a dose transformation you can switch to the alternative element No dose transformation.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:empty | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Visualization/choice/
Logarithmic response transformation
Select an option from the 'Logarithm base' drop-down list below to specify the logarithm to be used for transforming your response values.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:empty | 1...1 | required | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Response data processing/choice/Transformation/choice/
Lower asymptote (D) (nonlinear models)
Use this test for the following models:
- 4-parameter logistic fit
- 4-parameter logistic fit with included blanks
- 5-parameter logistic fit
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
T_SingleTestStrategy | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Margin development/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Margin development/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/
Lower limit
Enter a number to specify the lower limit you want to use.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:double | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Data selection schemes/Data selection scheme/Response range/
Lower margin
Enter the Lower margin of the test as decimal number. To pass the test, the observed value must be greater than or equal to the Lower margin.
Please consult the help page of the test for additional information.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:double | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Value of interpolation/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Interval of interpolation/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Width of interpolation interval/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Response value range/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Test on effective concentration/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Response at effective concentration/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Transduction unit/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Recovery rate/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Value of interpolation/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Interval of interpolation/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Width of interpolation interval/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Response value range/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Test on effective concentration/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Response at effective concentration/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Transduction unit/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Recovery rate/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Value of interpolation/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Interval of interpolation/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Width of interpolation interval/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Response value range/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Effective concentration/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Response at effective concentration/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Transduction unit/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Recovery rate/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Value of interpolation/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Interval of interpolation/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Width of interpolation interval/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Response value range/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Effective concentration/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Response at effective concentration/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Transduction unit/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Recovery rate/
Lower margin
Enter the Lower margin of the test as decimal number. To pass the test, the observed value must be greater than or equal to the Lower margin.
Please consult the help page of the test for additional information.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:double | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Mean squares (ANOVA)/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares (ANOVA)/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal number of outliers/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal sequence step CV(%)/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Mean squares (ANOVA)/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares (ANOVA)/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal number of outliers/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal sequence step CV(%)/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Mean squares (ANOVA)/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares (ANOVA)/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal number of outliers/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal sequence step CV (%)/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Mean squares (ANOVA)/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares (ANOVA)/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal number of outliers/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal sequence step CV (%)/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Coefficient of determination (R²)/
/Dose-response analysis/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Coefficient of determination (R²)/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Coefficient of determination (R²)/
/Test system for dose-response analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Coefficient of determination (R²)/
Lower margin (calculated value)
Select how you want to define the Lower margin of the test. The following options are available from the drop-down list:
- Calculated value: Selects the corresponding Lower margin from the margins you developed.
- Manual input: Allows you to enter a decimal number to set the Lower margin manually.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
T_Empty | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/A upper ssymptote (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/B parameter (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/C parameter (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/D lower asymptote (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/G asymmetry parameter (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/Slope (linear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/Intercept (linear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/A-D difference of asymptotes (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/A/D ratio of asymptotes (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/A upper asymptote (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/B parameter (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/C parameter (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/D lower asymptote (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/G asymmetry parameter (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/Slope (linear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/Intercept (linear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/A-D difference of asymptotes (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/A/D ratio of asymptotes (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Anova terms/Test: Sum-of-squares model/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Anova terms/Test: Sum-of-squares residual error/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Anova terms/Test: Sum-of-squares lack of fit/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Anova terms/Test: Sum-of-squares pure error/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Anova terms/Test: Sum-of-squares total/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Anova terms/Test: Mean-squared model/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Anova terms/Test: Mean-squared residual error/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Anova terms/Test: Mean-squared lack of fit/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Anova terms/Test: Mean-squared pure error/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Anova terms/Test: Mean-squared total/choice/
Lower margin (manual input)
Select how you want to define the Lower margin of the test. The following options are available from the drop-down list:
- Calculated value: Selects the corresponding Lower margin from the margins you developed.
- Manual input: Allows you to enter a decimal number to set the Lower margin manually.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:double | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/A upper ssymptote (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/B parameter (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/C parameter (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/D lower asymptote (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/G asymmetry parameter (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/Slope (linear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/Intercept (linear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/A-D difference of asymptotes (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence test (parameter estimate)/A/D ratio of asymptotes (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/A upper asymptote (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/B parameter (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/C parameter (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/D lower asymptote (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/G asymmetry parameter (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/Slope (linear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/Intercept (linear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/A-D difference of asymptotes (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/A/D ratio of asymptotes (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Anova terms/Test: Sum-of-squares model/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Anova terms/Test: Sum-of-squares residual error/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Anova terms/Test: Sum-of-squares lack of fit/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Anova terms/Test: Sum-of-squares pure error/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Anova terms/Test: Sum-of-squares total/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Anova terms/Test: Mean-squared model/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Anova terms/Test: Mean-squared residual error/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Anova terms/Test: Mean-squared lack of fit/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Anova terms/Test: Mean-squared pure error/choice/
/Equivalence margin development for dose-response analysis assays/Test strategies/Strategy/Anova terms/Test: Mean-squared total/choice/