Digest of document properties for data aggregation
Find a list of property keys available for data aggregation in the Dose-Response Analysis Package add-on.
Label | Description | Key |
General: Document Title {String} | Title of the Document. | http://purl.org/dc/terms/title |
General: Date {DateTime} | Date | http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/date |
Regression Model {String} | Regression Model | http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/coa_model |
Settings: Dose transformation {String} | Dose transformation | http://ssy/settings/doseTransformation |
General: Assay element name {String} | Assay element name | http://ssy/general/assayElementName |
General: Assay Element Type {String} | Assay element type | http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/elementtype |
Setting: Concentration Unit {String} | Concentration Unit | http://ssy/settings/concentrationUnit |
Settings: Response Unit {String} | Response Unit | http://ssy/settings/responseUnit |
Settings: Preparation scheme information {String} | Preparation scheme information | http://ssy/settings/preparationSchemeInformation |
Settings: Preparation scheme type {String} | Preparation scheme type | http://ssy/settings/preparationSchemeType |
Number of outliers {Numeric} | Number of outliers | http://ssy/numberOfOutliers |
Overall Test Result {String} | Number of outliers | http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/OverallTestResult |
Regression: Parameter estimate upper asymptote {Numeric} | Parameter estimate upper asymptote | http://ssy/regression/parameterA |
Regression: Standard error upper asymptote {Numeric} | Standard error upper asymptote | http://ssy/regression/standardErrorA |
Regression: Lower confidence limit upper asymptote {Numeric} | Lower confidence limit upper asymptote | http://ssy/regression/lowerConfidenceLimitA |
Regression: Upper confidence limit upper asymptote {Numeric} | Upper confidence limit upper asymptote | http://ssy/regression/upperConfidenceLimitA |
Regression: Confidence interval width [%] upper asymptote {Numeric} | Confidence interval width [%] upper asymptote | http://ssy/regression/confidenceIntervalWidthPercentageA |
Regression: Parameter estimate B parameter {Numeric} | Parameter estimate B parameter | http://ssy/regression/parameterB |
Regression: Standard error B parameter {Numeric} | Standard error B parameter | http://ssy/regression/standardErrorB |
Regression: Lower confidence limit B parameter {Numeric} | Lower confidence limit B parameter | http://ssy/regression/lowerConfidenceLimitB |
Regression: Upper confidence limit B parameter {Numeric} | Upper confidence limit B parameter | http://ssy/regression/upperConfidenceLimitB |
Regression: Confidence interval width [%] B parameter {Numeric} | Confidence interval width [%] B parameter | http://ssy/regression/confidenceIntervalWidthPercentageB |
Regression: Parameter estimate C parameter {Numeric} | Parameter estimate C parameter | http://ssy/regression/parameterC |
Regression: Standard error C parameter {Numeric} | Standard error C parameter | http://ssy/regression/standardErrorC |
Regression: Lower confidence limit C parameter {Numeric} | Lower confidence limit C parameter | http://ssy/regression/lowerConfidenceLimitC |
Regression: Upper confidence limit C parameter {Numeric} | Upper confidence limit C parameter | http://ssy/regression/upperConfidenceLimitC |
Regression: Confidence interval width [%] C parameter {Numeric} | Confidence interval width [%] C parameter | http://ssy/regression/confidenceIntervalWidthPercentageC |
Regression: Parameter estimate lower asymptote {Numeric} | Parameter estimate lower asymptote | http://ssy/regression/parameterD |
Regression: Standard error lower asymptote {Numeric} | Standard error lower asymptote | http://ssy/regression/standardErrorD |
Regression: Lower confidence limit lower asymptote {Numeric} | Lower confidence limit lower asymptote | http://ssy/regression/lowerConfidenceLimitD |
Regression: Upper confidence limit lower asymptote {Numeric} | Upper confidence limit lower asymptote | http://ssy/regression/upperConfidenceLimitD |
Regression: Confidence interval width [%] lower asymptote {Numeric} | Confidence interval width [%] lower asymptote | http://ssy/regression/confidenceIntervalWidthPercentageD |
Regression: Parameter estimate asymmetry parameter {Numeric} | Parameter estimate asymmetry parameter | http://ssy/regression/parameterG |
Regression: Standard error asymmetry parameter {Numeric} | Standard error asymmetry parameter | http://ssy/regression/standardErrorG |
Regression: Lower confidence limit asymmetry parameter {Numeric} | Lower confidence limit asymmetry parameter | http://ssy/regression/lowerConfidenceLimitG |
Regression: Upper confidence limit asymmetry parameter {Numeric} | Upper confidence limit asymmetry parameter | http://ssy/regression/upperConfidenceLimitG |
Regression: Confidence interval width [%] asymmetry parameter {Numeric} | Confidence interval width [%] asymmetry parameter | http://ssy/regression/confidenceIntervalWidthPercentageG |
Regression: Parameter estimate slope (linear models) {Numeric} | Parameter estimate slope (linear models) | http://ssy/regression/parameterM |
Regression: Standard error slope (linear models) {Numeric} | Standard error slope (linear models) | http://ssy/regression/standardErrorM |
Regression: Lower confidence limit slope (linear models) {Numeric} | Lower confidence limit slope (linear models) | http://ssy/regression/lowerConfidenceLimitM |
Regression: Upper confidence limit slope (linear models) {Numeric} | Upper confidence limit slope (linear models) | http://ssy/regression/upperConfidenceLimitM |
Regression: Confidence interval width [%] slope (linear models) {Numeric} | Confidence interval width [%] slope (linear models) | http://ssy/regression/confidenceIntervalWidthPercentageM |
Regression: Parameter estimate intercept {Numeric} | Parameter estimate intercept | http://ssy/regression/parameterN |
Regression: Standard error intercept {Numeric} | Standard error intercept | http://ssy/regression/standardErrorN |
Regression: Lower confidence limit intercept {Numeric} | Lower confidence limit intercept | http://ssy/regression/lowerConfidenceLimitN |
Regression: Upper confidence limit intercept {Numeric} | Upper confidence limit intercept | http://ssy/regression/upperConfidenceLimitN |
Regression: Confidence interval width [%] intercept {Numeric} | Confidence interval width [%] intercept | http://ssy/regression/confidenceIntervalWidthPercentageN |
Regression: Parameter estimate difference of asymptotes {Numeric} | Parameter estimate difference of asymptotes | http://ssy/regression/parameterDifferenceOfAsymptotes |
Regression: Parameter estimate ratio of asymptotes {Numeric} | Parameter estimate ratio of asymptotes | http://ssy/regression/parameterRatioOfAsymptotes |
Regression: Covariance A/D {Numeric} | Covariance A/D | http://ssy/regression/covarianceAD |
Regression: R2 {Numeric} | R2 | http://ssy/regression/rSquared |
Regression: R2 adjusted {Numeric} | R2 adjusted | http://ssy/regression/adjustedRSquared |
Regression: Final tolerance {Numeric} | Final tolerance | http://ssy/regression/finalTolerance |
ANOVA: Degrees of Freedom Residual Error {Numeric} | Degrees of Freedom Residual Error | http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_reserror_df |
ANOVA: Sum of Squares Residual Error {Numeric} | Sum of Squares Residual Error | http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_reserror_ss |
ANOVA: Mean Square Residual Error {Numeric} | Mean Square Residual Error | http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_reserror_meansq |
ANOVA: Degrees of Freedom Pure Error {Numeric} | Degrees of Freedom Pure Error | http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_pureerror_df |
ANOVA: Sum of Squares Pure Error {Numeric} | Sum of Squares Pure Error | http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_pureerror_ss |
ANOVA: Mean Square Pure Error {Numeric} | Mean Square Pure Error | http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_pureerror_meansq |
ANOVA: Degrees of Freedom Model {Numeric} | Degrees of Freedom Model | http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_model_df |
ANOVA: Sum of Squares Model {Numeric} | Sum of Squares Model | http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_model_ss |
ANOVA: Mean Square Model {Numeric} | Mean Square Model | http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_model_meansq |
ANOVA: Degrees of Freedom Model {Numeric} | Degrees of Freedom Model | http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_total_df |
ANOVA: Sum of Squares Model {Numeric} | Sum of Squares Model | http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_total_ss |
ANOVA: Mean Square Model {Numeric} | Mean Square Model | http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_total_meansq |
ANOVA: Degrees of Freedom Non-Linearity {Numeric} | Degrees of Freedom Non-Linearity | http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_lof_df |
ANOVA: Sum of Squares Non-Linearity {Numeric} | Sum of Squares Non-Linearity | http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_lof_ss |
ANOVA: Mean Square Non-Linearity {Numeric} | Mean Square Non-Linearity | http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_lof_meansq |
ANOVA: F-Ratio Model {Numeric} | F-Ratio Model | http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_model_fratio |
ANOVA: F-Ratio Non-Linearity {Numeric} | F-Ratio Non-Linearity | http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_lof_fratio |
Interpolation: Concentration value mean {Numeric} | Concentration value mean | http://ssy/interpolation/concentrationValueMean |
Interpolation: Stock solution concentration value mean {Numeric} | Stock solution concentration value mean | http://ssy/interpolation/StockSolutionConcentrationMean |
Interpolation: Source material concentration value mean {Numeric} | Source material concentration value mean | http://ssy/interpolation/SourceMaterialConcentrationMean |
Interpolation: Minimal concentration value {Numeric} | Minimal concentration value | http://ssy/interpolation/minimalConcentrationValue |
Interpolation: Minimal stock solution concentration value mean {Numeric} | Minimal stock solution concentration value mean | http://ssy/interpolation/minimalStockSolutionConcentration |
Interpolation: Minimal source material concentration value mean {Numeric} | Minimal source material concentration value mean | http://ssy/interpolation/minimalSourceMaterialConcentration |
Interpolation: Maximal concentration value {Numeric} | Maximal concentration value | http://ssy/interpolation/maximalConcentrationValue |
Interpolation: Maximal stock solution concentration value mean {Numeric} | Maximal stock solution concentration value mean | http://ssy/interpolation/maximalStockSolutionConcentration |
Interpolation: Maximal source material concentration value mean {Numeric} | Maximal source material concentration value mean | http://ssy/interpolation/maximalSourceMaterialConcentration |
Interpolation: Recovery {Numeric} | Recovery | http://ssy/interpolation/recovery |
Interpolation: Relative interpolation interval width {Numeric} | Relative interpolation interval width | http://ssy/interpolation/interpolationIntervalWidth_relative |
Interpolation: Absolute interpolation interval width (working concentration) {Numeric} | Absolute interpolation interval width (working concentration) | http://ssy/interpolation/interpolationIntervalWidth_workingConcentration |
Interpolation: Absolute interpolation interval width (absolute concentration) {Numeric} | Absolute interpolation interval width (absolute concentration) | http://ssy/interpolation/interpolationIntervalWidth_absoluteConcentration |
Regression: EC20 {Numeric} | EC20 | http://ssy/regression/ec20 |
Regression: EC50 {Numeric} | EC50 | http://ssy/regression/ec50 |
Regression: EC80 {Numeric} | EC80 | http://ssy/regression/ec80 |
Regression: Response at EC20 {Numeric} | Response at EC20 | http://ssy/regression/responseAtEc20 |
Regression: Response at EC50 {Numeric} | Response at EC50 | http://ssy/regression/responseAtEc50 |
Regression: Response at EC80 {Numeric} | Response at EC80 | http://ssy/regression/responseAtEc80 |
Regression: Backcalculated response at EC20 {Numeric} | Backcalculated response at EC20 | http://ssy/regression/backcalculatedResponseAtEc20 |
Regression: Backcalculated response at EC50 {Numeric} | Backcalculated response at EC50 | http://ssy/regression/backcalculatedResponseAtEc50 |
Regression: Backcalculated response at EC80 {Numeric} | Backcalculated response at EC80 | http://ssy/regression/backcalculatedResponseAtEc80 |
Regression: Transduction Value {Numeric} | Transduction Value | http://ssy/regression/transductionValue |