Preparation schemes

Set up Preparation schemes to define the doses and dimensions of your assay elements. You can set up a preparation scheme once and assign them to as many assay elements as you require. You do not have to enter redundant information.

Dose-response analysis documents provide two types of preparation schemes:

  • Multi-dose schemes
  • Single-dose schemes

Multi-dose schemes

Multi-dose preparation schemes allow you to define samples (assay elements) with a known dilution sequence. The calculation performs a regression for each sample that has a Multi-dose preparation scheme.

Multi-dose preparation schemes have the following properties:
Item Description
Name Enter a name for the preparation scheme.
Number of replicates Enter a number to specify how many replicates the referencing assay elements (samples) required for each dose step.
Predilution factors Enter the Predilution factors required to calculate the first dose of the dilution sequence. You can define multiple predilution factors.
Dose sequence Select one of the following options:
  • Geometric sequence (default)
  • Linear sequence
  • Stepwise concentration sequence
  • Stepwise dilution sequence

Single-dose schemes

Single-dose preparations allow you to define samples (assay elements) with an unknown concentration. The calculation performs a regression for the Standard sample and uses the resulting regression curve or line to interpolate a concentration value for each single-dose sample.

Single-dose preparation schemes have the following properties:
Item Description
Name Enter a name for the preparation scheme.
Number of replicates Enter a number to specify how many replicates the referencing assay elements (samples) required for each dose step.
Predilution factors Enter multiple predilution factors. When the assay is analyzed, a final dilution factor is calculated by multiplying all dilution factors entered here.