Configure your preferences

Configure the preferences of your PLA 3.0 installation.

Navigation: System > Preferences

Note: You can configure PLA 3.0 on the database level and user level. Settings on the database level are valid for all PLA 3.0 users. The settings you configure using your preferences are valid only for you.

General tab

Setting Description

Application paths

Defines default paths for importing and exporting files or documents. To change the default paths, select .

Internet access

Defines the logic according to which PLA 3.0 connects to the internet. You can perform the check automatically or manually when PLA 3.0 starts, or you can deactivate the check. This setting is used, for example, when checking for news and updates or downloading an information package.


If PLA 3.0 should use a proxy server to access the internet, select the Activate checkbox and enter the address and the port of the proxy server. To test the connection to the server, select Test.


Defines an automatic refresh interval for the content in the Navigator. By default, automatic refresh is turned off.

Tasks tab

Setting Description

Close dialog after task completion

Automatically closes the dialog if the task was completed successfully. If an error occurs, the dialog remains open.

Open externally tab

Setting Description


Customizes the settings for .csv files created by PLA 3.0.
  • Line separator symbol: Sets the line separator used in the created file.

  • Export column header: Adds the PLA 3.0 column header as the first row of the dataset written to the .csv file.

  • Column separator: Sets the column separator which is used to separate the data columns in the created .csv file.

  • Quote values: Activates a quote symbol that is used to quote data, if necessary.

  • Quote symbol: The symbol that is used when quoting data.

Print tab

Setting Description

Profile management

Allows you to create, edit, and remove print profiles. The number of available profiles is displayed in parenthesis.

Profile assignment

Assign the print profiles you want to use for reports, attachments, and barcodes.