Document reference filters

Use document reference filters to decide which of the referenced documents PLA 3.0 can use as source documents.

About document reference filters

Document reference filters let you fine-tune the selection of source documents. You can use several types of document reference filters and set them up according to your requirements.

For the update modes 'all,' we recommend you always set up this filter type. Without document reference filters, PLA 3.0 could use any document in the database as a source, which might lead to unwanted results.

The following example uses two filters. Three of the six documents in the database match the filter criteria. Therefore, PLA 3.0 only uses these three documents as source documents.
Six documents labeled 'Documents in database' on the left, with three highlighted in different shades of blue. A blue link icon and two differently shaded filter icons in the center connect all documents to a single 'Target document' on the right.
Figure 1. Applying document reference filters to referenced documents (update modes 'all')

For the update modes 'data,' document reference filters influence which documents you see when manually adding references.

The following example uses two filters. Three of the six documents in the database match the filter criteria. You can only add references to these three documents. The three remaining documents (grayed out) are not visible.
Six documents labeled 'Documents in database' on the left, with three highlighted in different shades of blue. Three others are grayed-out. A blue link icon and two filter icons at the top connect the highlighted documents to a 'Target document' on the right.
Figure 2. Applying document reference filters to referenced documents (update modes 'data')

Set up document reference filters

To set up document reference filters, you use the Column: Document Reference data table node of the Content editor of your target document.

This node comes equipped with a basic configuration for the handling of document references. Use the Creatable elements pane to add the filter criteria you require. For a detailed description of the available settings, see the Column: Document reference topic.

Figure 3. Setup of a document reference filters