Document references

Link the documents from which you want to extract the data (source documents) to the document that should receive the data (target document).

About document references

To link your documents, you set up a reference between the target document and its source documents. You can reference all documents in your database or select the individual documents you want to use. To choose between these options, you select an update mode in your target document.

You can choose between four update modes. The two update modes 'all' reference all documents:
Six documents labeled 'Documents in database' on the left, all highlighted. A blue link icon in the center connects the highlighted documents to a single 'Target document' on the right.
Figure 1. Setting up references between documents for data aggregation (update modes 'all')
The two update modes 'data' reference only the documents you select:
Six documents labeled 'Documents in database' on the left, with two highlighted. A blue link icon in the center connects the highlighted documents to a single 'Target document' on the right.
Figure 2. Setting up references between documents for data aggregation (update modes 'data')
Important: For the update modes 'all,' we recommend setting up document reference filters to narrow down the number of referenced documents to the ones you want to use as source documents

Update modes

The update mode setting plays a central role in the data aggregation process as it influences both the number of referenced documents and the way in which PLA 3.0 updates these references. You can choose between four update modes in the data table of the Content editor of your target document, that is:
  • Auto all
  • Auto data
  • Manual all
  • Manual data
Figure 3. Update modes in the data table of the Content editor of a target document
The following figure shows the underlying update logic:
Matrix layout showing synchronization options. The left column has 'Automatic' and 'Manual' labels with refresh arrows. The top row has 'All documents' and 'Selected documents' labels with link icons. The cells show buttons labeled 'Auto all,' 'Auto data,' 'Manual all,' and 'Manual data.'
Figure 4. Update mode setting in the data aggregation process

The 'all' update modes automatically reference all documents available in the PLA 3.0 database. You cannot reference specific documents. To narrow down the number of documents you actually want to use as source documents, we recommend you set up document reference filters. If you want to reference specific documents from your PLA 3.0 database instead, you need to select one of the 'data' update modes.

When you open or close your target document, the 'auto' update modes automatically refresh the list of referenced documents. New documents that match your filter criteria are automatically added as source documents. If you want to manually update your references, you need to select one of the 'manual' update modes. This can be useful when you are still setting up your target document and testing out different filter criteria.

Add document references

For the update modes 'data,' you use the References editor of your target document to add references to your source documents.

Figure 5. Adding references in the References editor
Note: The Add reference button is grayed-out for the update modes 'all,' as PLA 3.0 automatically uses all available documents.