Combination calculations
Protocol documents request the combination calculations you need from combination calculation templates.
You can define any number of combination calculations in a single protocol document. This allows you, for example, to cover a range of criteria for a product's release. Each combination calculation aggregates all related data from the assay runs and calculates characteristic reportable values.
In both assay replicate and assay element mode, you can add combination calculations on protocol level. The combination calculations you define aggregate the potency data of all Test samples as they occur in the (calculated) assay replicates generated by the protocol document.
In assay element mode, you can add combination calculations on Test sample level, thus defining separate combination calculations for each Test sample. The combination calculations you define aggregate only the potency data of this particular Test sample as they occur in the (calculated) assay replicates generated by the protocol document. This allows you to set up multi-product assays. You receive a separate report for each Test sample (product). And these reports do not contain results for other Test samples.