Assay element mode

You can run protocol documents in two modes, that is, assay replicate mode and assay element mode.

Use the assay element mode if you want to configure the assay elements within the protocol document. Other assay settings like dilution sequence, analysis, and suitability tests, are taken from the provided assay templates. Assay runs in this mode can contain partial plate layouts.

In this mode, you use the Number of replicates setting on Test sample or Control sample level to define the number of assay runs for each assay element. The protocol then calculates the number of documents to be generated based on your settings.


In the following example, the protocol performs two assay runs and creates two Quantitative response assay documents. As Test A only has one replicate, it is only contained in the first assay document. Therefore, the layouts of the generated documents differ:
Assay element mode of a Basic bioassay protocol
Figure 1. Assay element mode of a Basic bioassay protocol