Quantitative response assays

Use Quantitative response assay documents to calculate relative potencies of Test samples compared to a Standard sample. If you provide information on the stock solutions or raw materials, you can also determine absolute potencies based on several types of calculations.

About this document type

Quantitative response assay documents cover all biological assay types that are based on quantitative response, that is, parallel-line, parallel logistic (full curve fits), and slope ratio assays.

Tip: You can identify assays of this document type by the icon in the upper right corner of the Content editor.

Document structure

Each Quantitative response assay document has three default sections, that is, Documentation, Setup, and Analysis, plus an optional Settings and one or more Comment sections.

Figure 1. Sections of a Quantitative response assay document displayed in the Content editor
Section Description


Provide supplemental information on the setup of your assay that is needed for documentary purposes but is not required for calculation or the organization of observation data.


Set up your assay and organize your observation data.

For details on the available settings, see the Assay setup topic.


Specify the processing of response data, the analytical model, data selection schemes, and suitability tests you want to use in calculations.

For details on the available settings, see the Analytical settings and Suitability testing topics.


Define how you want to graphically display assay results.


Add extra information to your assay. The PDF reports display the comments you add on the first page.