The methods and procedures provided by the Quantitative response assay document type are based on use cases and requirements from literature.
Council of Europe. European Pharmacopoeia 6.0. Chapter 5.3: Statistical analysis of results of biological assays and tests. Strasbourg: 2008.
Dixon, Wilfrid J. 1953. 'Processing data for outliers.' Biometrics 9 (1): 74-89.
Finney, David J. 1978. Statistical method in biological assay, 3rd edition. London: Charles Griffin and Company Ltd.
Grubbs, Frank E. 1969. 'Procedures for detecting outlying observations in samples.' Technometrics 11 (1): 1-21.
Rorabacher, David B. 1991. 'Statistical treatment for rejection of deviant values: Critical values of Dixon's "Q" parameter and related subrange ratios at the 95% confidence level.' Analytical Chemistry 63 (2): 139–146.
United States Pharmacopeial Convention. United States Pharmacopeia. Rockville (MD): 2012.
Design and analysis of biological assays. USP 35 <111>: 106-117.
Design and development of biological assays. USP 35 (1st supplement) <1032>: 5160-5174.
Biological assay validation. USP 35 (1st supplement) <1033>: 5174-5185.
Analysis of biological assays. USP 35 (1st supplement) <1034>: 5186-5195.
Appendix: Glossary. USP 35 (1st supplement): 5195-5200.