Assay replicate mode

You can run protocol documents in two modes, that is, assay replicate mode and assay element mode.

Use the assay replicate mode in the following cases:

  • You want to explicitly define the total number of assay documents to be generated.

  • You want to define assay settings such as assay elements, dilution sequence, analysis, and suitability tests in the assay template.

  • You want to create assay runs that contain the full plate layout as defined in the templates.

In this mode, you use the Number of replicates setting on protocol level to define the number of assay runs, that is, the number of documents the protocol generates. The assay template determines all assay settings, including assay elements. All generated assay documents inherit the settings from the template.

Tip: When an assay run has failed, increase the number of replicates and generate again. In this case, the protocol only generates the difference between the earlier and the current number of replicates.


In the following example, the protocol performs two assay runs and creates two Quantitative response assay documents with the same assay layout:
Assay replicate mode of a Basic bioassay protocol
Figure 1. Assay replicate mode of a Basic bioassay protocol
Tip: Assay runs you perform in assay replicate mode always contain a full plate layout. To use different plate layouts for assay runs, create separate assay templates and assign them to the corresponding runs.