Filter audit trail entries

Apply filters to view only a subset of the available audit trail entries, for example, entries created on a specific date or by a specific user.


To filter audit trail entries:
  1. In the audit trail toolbar, select Filter.
  2. In the Document audit trail filter dialog, use the following criteria to define your filter:
    • Operator: The user who performed the action.
    • Action: The type of action that was performed, for example, the creation of a document (OBJECT_INITIAL), or the application of an electronic signature (OBJECT_SIGN).
    • Date: The date on which the action was performed. You can enter a specific date or a time.
    Note: The filter for objects is not available on the document level.
    Example: The following filter displays only entries created by the operator 'Administrator' on 07-June 2023:
    Audit trail filter on document level
    Figure 1. Audit trail filter on document level
  3. Select Filter.
    Result: The audit trail table is filtered according to your criteria.
  4. To keep the filter active, select X to close the dialog. To reset the filter, select Reset before you select X.
    Tip: You can also reset the filter by clicking Reset filter in the audit trail toolbar.