Event list

The upper table of the Audit trail tab lists all recorded actions.

The following items are available:
Item Description


Consecutive number of the respective audit trail entry. These numbers are unique within the audit trails of individual databases.

Time stamp

Time stamp of the entry. PLA 3.0 provides time stamps with millisecond precision. Time stamps are not necessarily unique within audit trails.


Uniform key to indicate the type of the recorded action.


The name of the object on which the recorded action was performed.


The name of the PLA 3.0 user who performed the action.

Host name

NetBIOS name of the computer on which the PLA 3.0 instance is running that performed the respective action.


The PLA 3.0 license that was in use when the action was performed. Depending on the type of license, this may be a protection key ID, a serial number or hardware ID, or a trial version ID.