Database administration

Use the database administration features to set up, monitor, and maintain your PLA 3.0 database system.

You access these features using the System menu of PLA 3.0. The following figure shows the available administrative tasks:
Database administration features of PLA 3.0
Figure 1. Database administration features of PLA 3.0

The following items are available:

No. Element Description


Database settings

Establish consistent policies for a range of features, such as passwords, signatures, and traceability, that control and document user access to individual databases.


  • Database policies
  • Database info
  • Configuration report


Database monitoring

Monitor user sessions and document locks. Maintain a permanent record of all relevant events related to user access, changes in work environments, and changes to data for each individual PLA 3.0 database and document.


  • Session management
  • Audit trail


Database maintenance

Perform database maintenance. Lock the PLA 3.0 database to prevent users from logging in.