Add-on management

Manage your existing add-ons from within PLA 3.0 and request trial versions or quotes for add-ons not yet included in your license.

Navigation: System > Add-on management

Note: To manage add-ons you require the Manage add-ons database permission.

The Add-ons tab lists all add-ons available to you. And it provides controls to download, install, license, and uninstall add-ons.

Figure 1. Add-on management functions in PLA 3.0

The following items are available:

  1. Toolbar

  2. Add-on list

  3. Status bar

  4. Add-on status

  5. Release date

  6. License status

  7. Information package


At the top of the tab, the toolbar provides a set of actions for maintaining add-ons.

The following actions are available:
Icon Action Description


Downloads the currently selected add-on version to the local add-on repository. Activates this add-on version in the current database.


Downloads the currently selected add-on version to the local add-on repository. Activates this add-on version in the current database.


free text filter

Displays only the add-ons in the list whose name or version designation contains the character sequence you enter in the text box.


Opens a dialog that displays a list of filter criteria and lets you apply and remove them.

Tip: By default, the list only displays the latest add-on versions. Use the filter in the toolbar to view earlier versions or display add-ons according to your needs.

Reset filter

Restores the default filter, which applies the filter criteria Compatible add-ons and Latest add-ons to the add-ons list.

Add-on list

Below the toolbar, the add-on list displays the names of all add-ons available with your information package, their version and build number. Select the name of an add-on to display a brief description in the status bar.

Tip: By default, the list only displays the latest add-on versions. Use the filter in the toolbar to view earlier versions or display add-ons according to your needs.

Use the context menu to activate, deactivate, install (download to repository, import add-ons to repository), and uninstall (delete from repository) add-ons. Right-click an add-on in the list to display the context menu for this particular add-on version.

Note: When you make new add-on versions available to users and they try to access PLA 3.0 documents created and edited with earlier add-on versions, these documents open in read-only mode. For details on how to upgrade document structures, see the Upgrade the structure of documents topic.
The following actions are available from the context menu:
Icon Action Description Notes


Downloads the currently selected add-on version to the local add-on repository. Activates this add-on version in the current database.

To create a PLA 3.0 add-on repository for several computers or databases, use the Download to repository and Import add-ons to repository actions.


Deactivates the currently selected add-on version in the current database. Does not remove the add-on from the add-on repository.

To remove the add-on from the add-on repository, use the Delete from repository action.

Delete from repository

Removes the currently selected add-on version from the local add-on repository.


Download to repository

Downloads the currently selected add-on version to the local add-on repository.

To install the add-on in the current database, use the Activate action.

This action is intended for systems connected to the Internet.

If you do not have an active Internet connection, use the Import add-ons to repository action instead.

Import add-ons to repository

Imports add-ons into the local add-on repository.

To install the add-on in the current database, use the Activate action.

This action is intended for systems not connected to the Internet.

If you have an active Internet connection, use the Download to repository action instead.

Request trial

Opens the Trial request dialog, where you can request a trial version for the currently selected add-on.

For details on this action, see the Request trial versions and quotes topic.

Request quote

Opens the Quote request dialog, where you can request a quote for the currently selected add-on.

For details on this action, see the Request trial versions and quotes topic.

Status bar

Below the add-on list, the status bar displays details on your information package and add-on and provides further actions.

Item Description
text in yellow box

Displays the creation date and time of your information package.

Tip: To have the most recent add-ons displayed, select the Refresh information package option from the System menu.
text in gray box

Displays a brief description of the add-on version currently selected in the add-on list.

Missing dependencies

If the currently selected add-on requires one or more add-ons that are not activated for the current database, use this button to view the list of dependent add-ons.

Request trial

Opens a form where you can enter and submit the information required to request a trial of the currently selected add-on.

Request quote

Opens a form where you can enter and submit the information required to request a price quote for the currently selected add-on.

Add-on status

As a user, the status of an add-on indicates the actions you can perform. As an administrator, the status supports you during the steps required to make the add-on functionality available for your users.

As an administrator, you can activate and deactivate add-ons or upgrade to higher add-on versions. When migrating from a previous PLA 3.0 version, the status also indicates the packages to be migrated.

Note: To make the functionality of an add-on available for use, activate it in the database. If the functionality should be temporarily unavailable, deactivate the add-on. To permanently remove an add-on, delete it from the repository.
The following table gives an overview of the available add-on statuses:
Status icon Description

The add-on is available in the add-on repository and activated in the database. It is ready to be used.

Activated add-ons ( ) are ready to be used. As a user, you can work with the respective functionality, add sample documents and templates, or view add-on details.

The add-on is available in the add-on repository. To make its functionality available for use, you have to activate it in the database.

You migrated from a previous PLA 3.0 release. You still need to convert the package in question to an add-on.

A newer version of a licensed add-on is available. You can activate the newer version or keep using your legacy version. If you want to run several add-on versions in parallel, we recommend activating the versions in different databases.

Release date

The date on which the add-on was released.

License status

Indicates whether the add-on is included in your license (licensed), or not (not licensed).

In the case of not licensed add-ons, you can request trial versions to evaluate the functionality in your work environment. To include these add-ons in your license, request quotes.

Information package

Your information package contains a list of all add-ons you can use, licensed, and not yet licensed. To manage the add-ons of your information package, you use the Add-ons tab.