Details on documents and templates, the data editors and the Content editor of PLA 3.0.
Data tables in PLA 3.0 act as containers for observation data or referenced data. You use them to configure the display of observation data and to set up automated data flows between PLA 3.0 documents, thus minimizing the need for manual interaction.
Use this column to identify specific observations in the report.
Explore PLA 3.0, its key features and ongoing enhancements. Learn how it fits into your environment, and how to log in and register.
PLA 3.0 supports you in your daily work by providing a set of graphical and textual user interface elements. Learn about the different elements and how to use them efficiently.
PLA 3.0 securely stores all your data within electronic documents. Documents are organized within a database and presented through a folder tree for easy navigation and access. Your data remains complete, accurate, and consistent throughout its life cycle, thus ensuring data integrity.
Use templates to simplify tasks, standardize processes, and improve data security. Define document structures and initial values for documents, and control who can view and edit document sections and individual elements within documents.
Use the observation source setting to configure how you obtain your observation data. You can enter data manually or aggregate it from other PLA 3.0 documents. The observation source you select influences which data editors you use to enter your observation data.
Use the row order setting to switch between an ascending and a descending order for your observation data.
Use this column to associate each observation with a logical/Boolean value.
Use this column to associate each observation with a date.
Use this column to associate each observation with a date and time.
Use this column to set up document reference filters. Document reference filters let you decide which of the referenced documents PLA 3.0 can use as source documents.
Use this column to set a document title.
Use this column to flag technical outlier in the data table.
Use this column to set up floating-point number dataset columns. Dataset columns let you define the parameters you want to aggregate into your target document.
Use this column to associate each observation with a value of integer number format.
Use this column to associate each observation with a multiline text.
Use this column to link individual observations (measurements) to their assay elements. All observations of a group belong to the same assay element.
Use this column to set up position factors. Position factors let you define plate layouts for your assays. You can define up to three positions, that is, row, column, and plate.
Use this column to display the observed response value.
Use this column to set up section filters. Section filters let you decide from which sections within a source document PLA 3.0 can aggregate data.
Use this column to display the sequence step number and the dose value.
Use this column to display flags to mark technical outliers.
Use this column to set up text dataset columns. Dataset columns let you define the parameters you want to aggregate into your target document.
Use this column to associate each observation with a time.
PLA 3.0 can handle a wide range of plate layouts and is not restricted to any particular format. Position factors in PLA 3.0 support you in defining plate layouts. They let you associate your observation data in PLA 3.0 with its physical location on a plate or rack.
Data aggregation in PLA 3.0 lets you automatically transfer data and results from source to target PLA 3.0 documents, thus supporting complex and compliant operations. Manually entering data in spreadsheets or other programs is not necessary.
Data analysis add-ons offer a wide range of capabilities, ranging from analytical methods over comprehensive analysis to statistical process control. PLA 3.0 also provides a set of add-ons that support and supplement data analysis add-ons.
Use data acquisition and data import add-ons to import external response values and observation data into PLA 3.0 for further processing and evaluation.
Details on the deployment and installation of licensed PLA 3.0 versions.
Details on the licensing solution of PLA 3.0, the available licensing options, and the activation and management of licenses.
Details on system administration tasks such as setup and maintenance of databases and add-ons, user accounts, access rights, and migration and update procedures.
PLA 3.0 supports you in achieving compliance with regulations such as ISPE GAMP® 5 and 21 CFR Part 11. It also provides options to validate PLA 3.0 in your environment.
Download PDF guides of current and previous framework and add-on versions.
Meet the team of Stegmann Labs Inc. and use our sample laboratory to explore core features and functions of PLA 3.0.
Find definitions of terms.