- Change concentration sequence
New Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>/JP 4.02) documents have 5 concentrations of the standard, that is, 1 reference concentration, which is the median level, plus 4 extra concentrations. You can change concentration values, add or delete concentrations, and change the position of concentrations in the sequence.
- Add controls and define rack layouts
New Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>/JP 4.02) documents have a standard with a 5-step concentration sequence and a single test sample. You can add controls and extra test samples. To assist you in keeping track of the spatial arrangement of your samples, you can also create a visual representation of your rack layouts.
- Add response data processing
New assay documents of the Microbial Assays for Antibiotics Package contain response data processing steps. However, none of the steps is active. To define how PLA 3.0 should process your response data before calculating potencies, you need to activate the respective steps in your assay document.
- Define a test system
New assay documents of the Microbial Assays for Antibiotics Package do not contain any statistical tests. Add the assay suitability and sample suitability tests you require.
- Define combination groups
Assign samples to combination groups to control which samples PLA 3.0 includes in combination of assays calculations. All valid samples of a combination group are combined in the calculations performed by Combination of microbial assays documents that reference these samples or, to be more precise, that reference the assay documents which contain these samples.