Find reference information on document elements of the Biological Assay Package, letters T to Z.
Select a Quantitative response assay template.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 1...1 | required | none |
/Basic bioassay protocol/Templates/Assay templates/Assay template/
Select a Combination of assay results template for this configuration.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 1...1 | required | none |
/Basic bioassay protocol/Templates/Combination calculation templates/Configuration/
Template key
Select a template to require referenced documents be generated by this template.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Basic bioassay protocol/Reportable values/Document reference/
/Combination of independent assay results/Setup/Potency data/Column: Document reference/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Data table/Column: Document reference/
/Quantitative response assay/Setup/Observation data/Column: Document reference/
Template selection strategy
Select a Template selection strategy from the drop-down list.
Once you have generated assay replicates, these options allow you to generate additional replicates or new versions of existing replicates.
- Existing replicates: If you increase the number of replicates in all or some of your Test or Control samples and generate again, additional replicates are created.
- Existing elements: If you increase the number of replicates in all or part of your Test or Control samples and generate again, new versions of existing replicates are created.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 1...1 | required | none |
/Basic bioassay protocol/Templates/Assay templates/
This section allows you to specify the templates you need to generate assay replicates and combination calculations.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 1...1 | required | none |
/Basic bioassay protocol/
Enter a term to define the value of the related property. If you do not enter a term, only the Property key itself is used as a filter, not its value. If you define multiple terms, the system combines them using the logical OR, which means that only one of the terms has to match.
Example: To aggregate Test samples, use a single term and enter 'Test' as its value. To aggregate both Test and Control samples, add a second term and enter 'Control' as its value.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:string | 1...unbounded | optional | none |
/Combination of independent assay results/Setup/Potency data/Column: Section/Property filter/
Enter a term to define the value of the related property. If you do not enter a term, only the Property key itself is used as a filter, not its value. If you define multiple terms, the system combines them using the logical OR, which means that only one of the terms has to match.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:string | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Basic bioassay protocol/Templates/Combination calculation templates/Configuration/Template/Config/Document property filter/
/Basic bioassay protocol/Comment/Linked document/Config/Document property filter/
/Combination of independent assay results/Setup/Potency data/Column: Document reference/Document property filter/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Data table/Column: Document reference/Document property filter/
/Quantitative response assay/Setup/Observation data/Column: Document reference/Document property filter/
Currently, no information available.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 1...unbounded | required | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Data table/Column: Assay element/Property filter/
Test: Coefficient of variation (%)
Add one or several tests for the coefficient of variation (CV) of potencies to your assay. This test checks the CV of relative/absolute potencies entered in the data table.
To pass the test, the observed value must be greater than or equal to the Lower margin set in the test definition and less than or equal to the Upper margin.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/
Test: Combined log potency confidence interval width (L-term)
Add one or several tests for the confidence interval of the combined logarithmized potency to your assay.
Usually, this test checks the length of the combined logarithmic relative potency/absolute potency confidence interval. With slope ratio models, this test checks the relative potency/potency confidence interval instead of the logarithmic relative potency/potency confidence interval.
To pass the test, the observed value must be greater than or equal to the Lower margin set in the test definition and less than or equal to the Upper margin.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/
Test: Combined potency confidence interval
Add one or several tests for the confidence interval of the combined potency to your assay.
To pass the test, the observed value must be greater than or equal to the Lower margin set in the test definition and less than or equal to the Upper margin.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/
Test: Combined potency confidence interval (%)
Add one or several tests for the percentual confidence interval of the combined potency to your assay.
This test allows you to define upper and lower margins for the percentual potency confidence interval, that is, the confidence interval relative to the absolute or relative potency value, expressed as a percental value.
To pass the test, the observed value must be greater than or equal to the Lower margin set in the test definition and less than or equal to the Upper margin.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/
Test: Combined potency confidence interval range (%)
Add one or several tests for the percentual confidence interval range of the combined potency to your assay.
To pass the test, the observed value must be greater than or equal to the Lower margin set in the test definition and less than or equal to the Upper margin.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/
Test: Combined potency value
Add one or several tests for the combined potency value to your assay.
To pass the test, the observed value must be greater than or equal to the Lower margin set in the test definition and less than or equal to the Upper margin.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/
Test exception handling
Select how the test system behaves when tests return 'not calculated' (NC) results.
The following options are available from the drop-down list:
- strict: Handles NC test results as failed tests.
- informal: Reports NC test results, but otherwise ignores them.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 1...1 | required | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/
Test: Geometric coefficient of variation (%)
Add one or several tests for the percentual geometric coefficient of variation (CV) to your assay.
To pass the test, the observed value must be greater than or equal to the Lower margin set in the test definition and less than or equal to the Upper margin.
The geometric CV is calculated as follows:
Where GSD is:
And GM is:
Where: b is the chosen base from analysis settings.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/
Test: Homogeneity
Add one or several Chi-square tests of homogeneity to your assay.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/
Test: Log potency range (L-value)
Add one or several tests for the range of the logarithmized potency to your assay. To add the tests as assay suitability tests, add them as children of the Assay suitability tests element. To add the tests as sample suitability tests, add them as children of the Sample suitability tests element.
To pass the test, the difference of the logarithmized upper confidence limit minus the logarithmized lower confidence limit of the parameter has to be greater than or equal to the Lower margin set in the test definition and less than or equal to the Upper margin.
Supported models
4-parameter logistic, 5-parameter logistic
Assay elements
Test, Control
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
Test: Log potency range (L-value)
Add one or several tests for the range of the logarithmized potency to your assay.
To pass the test, the observed value must be greater than or equal to the Lower margin set in the test definition and less than or equal to the Upper margin.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/
Test: Maximal number of outliers
Add one or several tests for the maximal number of outliers to your assay. The test counts technical outliers, statistical outliers, and missing values. To add the tests as assay suitability tests, add them as children of the Assay suitability tests element. To add the tests as sample suitability tests, add them as children of the Sample suitability tests element.
To pass the test, the number of technical and statistical outliers and missing values has to be less than or equal to the Upper margin set in the test definition.
Supported models
Linear parallel-line, 4-parameter logistic, 5-parameter logistic, 3-parameter logistic with fixed lower asymptote, 3-parameter logistic with fixed upper asymptote, Slope ratio
Scope of the test
- Standard only: Runs the test for the Standard sample.
- Test samples only: Runs the test for every Test sample.
- Control samples only: Runs the test for every Control sample.
- Control lines only: Runs the test for every Control line.
- All assay elements: Runs the test for every assay element.
Extent of the test
- Assay element: Runs the test on the data of individual assay elements. Example: If you set the scope of the test to 'Test samples only', the test is evaluated for each individual Test sample.
- Assay (without simultaneous regression): Runs the test on the data of individual Test-vs-Standard and Control-vs-Standard comparisons. Example: If you set the scope of the test to 'Test samples only', the test is evaluated for each individual Test-vs-Standard comparison. The observations of each sample pair are regarded as a dataset for which the number of outliers is determined.
- Assay (simultaneous regression): Runs the test on the data of the whole assay. Example: If you set the scope of the test to 'Test samples only', the test is evaluated for the whole assay. The observations of all samples are regarded as one single dataset for which the number of outliers is determined.
- Sequence step: Runs the test on the data of individual sequence steps. To pass the test, the number of outliers of each sequence step has to be less than or equal to the Upper margin. Example: If you set the scope of the test to 'Test samples only', the test is evaluated for each individual sequence step of the Test samples.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
Test: Maximal sequence step CV (%)
Add one or several tests for the maximal percentual coefficient of variation (CV) of sequence steps to your assay.
The percentual CV is calculated as follows:
To pass the test, all sequence step CVs have to be less than or equal to the Upper margin set in the test definition.
Supported models
Linear parallel-line, 4-parameter logistic, 5-parameter logistic, 3-parameter logistic with fixed lower asymptote, 3-parameter logistic with fixed upper asymptote, Slope ratio
Scope of the test
- Standard only: Runs the test for the Standard sample.
- Test samples only: Runs the test for every Test sample.
- Control samples only: Runs the test for every Control sample.
- Control lines only: Runs the test for every Control line.
- All assay elements: Runs the test for every assay element.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
Test: Mean coefficient of variation (%)
Add one or several tests for the mean percentual coefficient of variation (CV) to your assay.
This test allows you to define upper and lower margins for the arithmetic mean of the percentual CV values. The percentual CV values are derived from the absolute or relative potency confidence intervals which are used as input values of the combination calculation.
To pass the test, the observed value must be greater than or equal to the Lower margin set in the test definition and less than or equal to the Upper margin.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/
Test: Minimal R²
Add one or several tests for the minimal R² to your assay. To add the tests as assay suitability tests, add them as children of the Assay suitability tests element. To add the tests as sample suitability tests, add them as children of the Sample suitability tests element.
To pass the test, the R² of the restricted regression fit has to be greater than or equal to the Lower margin set in the test definition. If a method to calculate the R² value is specified, this also affects the method used to evaluate this test.
Supported models
Assay elements
Standard, Test, Control
Extent of the test
- Assay element: Runs the test on the data of individual assay elements.
- Assay: Runs the test on the data of the whole assay.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
Test name
Enter a name for the test. Test names are used to reference tests in Conditional evaluations. To make the test results available for data aggregation, the name should not exceed 400 characters. Longer names are shortened automatically and may become unreadable.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/F-test (hypothesis test)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Parameter estimate/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Difference of parameter estimates/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Ratio of parameter estimates/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Scaled parameter range/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Parameter estimate/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Difference of parameter estimates/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Ratio of parameter estimates/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Normalized difference of asymptotes/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares regression/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-parallelism/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-linearity/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Ratio sum of squares non-linearity / sum of squares regression/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency value/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Log potency range (L-value)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency of intermediate dilution/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval (%)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency range (%)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Weight (W)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal number of outliers/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal sequence step CV (%)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Minimal R²/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Relative LOF error (%)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Response value range/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Root mean square error (RMSE)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/F-test (hypothesis test)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Parameter estimate/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Difference of parameter estimates/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Ratio of parameter estimates/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Scaled parameter range/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Parameter estimate/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Difference of parameter estimates/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Ratio of parameter estimates/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Normalized difference of asymptotes/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares regression/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-parallelism/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-linearity/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Ratio sum of squares non-linearity / sum of squares regression/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency value/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Log potency range (L-value)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency of intermediate dilution/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval (%)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency range (%)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Weight (W)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal number of outliers/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal sequence step CV (%)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Minimal R²/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Relative LOF error (%)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Response value range/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Root mean square error (RMSE)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/F-test (hypothesis test)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Parameter estimate/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Difference of parameter estimates/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Ratio of parameter estimates/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Scaled parameter range/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Parameter estimate/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Difference of parameter estimates/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Ratio of parameter estimates/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Normalized difference of asymptotes/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares regression/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-parallelism/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-linearity/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Ratio sum of squares non-linearity / sum of squares regression/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency value/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Log potency range (L-value)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency of intermediate dilution/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval (%)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency range (%)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Weight (W)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal number of outliers/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal sequence step CV (%)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Minimal R²/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Relative LOF error (%)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Response value range/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Root mean square error (RMSE)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/F-test (hypothesis test)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Parameter estimate/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Difference of parameter estimates/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Ratio of parameter estimates/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Scaled parameter range/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Parameter estimate/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Difference of parameter estimates/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Ratio of parameter estimates/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Normalized difference of asymptotes/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares regression/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-parallelism/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-linearity/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Ratio sum of squares non-linearity / sum of squares regression/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency value/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Log potency range (L-value)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency of intermediate dilution/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval (%)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency range (%)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Weight (W)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal number of outliers/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal sequence step CV (%)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Minimal R²/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Relative LOF error (%)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Response value range/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Root mean square error (RMSE)/
Test: Number of invalid assays
Add one or several tests for the number of invalid assays to your assay.
This test allows you to define upper and lower margins for the number of invalid assays, that is, assays with the status 'Failed'.
To pass the test, the observed value must be greater than or equal to the Lower margin set in the test definition and less than or equal to the Upper margin.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/
Test: Number of valid assays
Add one or several tests for the number of valid assays to your assay.
This test allows you to define upper and lower margins for the number of valid assays, that is, assays with the status 'Passed' or 'Passed (info available)'.
To pass the test, the observed value must be greater than or equal to the Lower margin set in the test definition and less than or equal to the Upper margin.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/
Test: Normalized difference of asymptotes
Add one or several tests for the normalized difference of asymptotes to your assay. To add the tests as assay suitability tests, add them as children of the Assay suitability tests element. To add the tests as sample suitability tests, add them as children of the Sample suitability tests element.
To pass the test, the following ratio has to be greater than the Lower and less than the Upper margin, respectively: (selected asymptote (Test/Control) - selected asymptote (Standard)) / (upper asymptote (Standard) - lower asymptote (Standard))
After defining the test you have to select the parameter:
- Normalized A upper asymptote
- Normalized D lower asymptote
Scope of the test
- Test samples only: Runs the test for every Test sample.
- Control samples only: Runs the test for every Control sample.
- All assay elements: Runs the test for every assay element except Standard sample and Control lines.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
Test: Normalized difference of lower asymptotes
Use this test for the following models:
- 4-parameter logistic fit
- 4-parameter logistic fit with included blanks
- 5-parameter logistic fit
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Empty | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Margin development/Tests: Normalized difference of asymptotes/
Test: Normalized difference of upper asymptotes
Use this test for the following models:
- 4-parameter logistic fit
- 4-parameter logistic fit with included blanks
- 5-parameter logistic fit
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Empty | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Margin development/Tests: Normalized difference of asymptotes/
Test on user variable
Add one or several tests for a user variable to your assay.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Document suitability tests/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Document suitability tests/
Test: Potency confidence interval
Add one or several tests for the potency confidence interval to your assay. To add the tests as assay suitability tests, add them as children of the Assay suitability tests element. To add the tests as sample suitability tests, add them as children of the Sample suitability tests element.
To pass the test, the lower confidence limit of the relative potency has to be greater than or equal to the Lower margin set in the test definition, and the upper confidence limit of the potency has to be less than or equal to the Upper margin.
Supported models
Linear parallel-line, 4-parameter logistic, 5-parameter logistic, 3-parameter logistic with fixed lower asymptote, 3-parameter logistic with fixed upper asymptote, Slope ratio
Assay elements
Test, Control
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
Test: Potency confidence interval (%)
Add one or several tests for the percentual potency confidence interval to your assay. To add the tests as assay suitability tests, add them as children of the Assay suitability tests element. To add the tests as sample suitability tests, add them as children of the Sample suitability tests element.
To pass the test, the lower confidence limit of the percentual relative potency has to be greater than or equal to the Lower margin set in the test definition, and the upper confidence limit of the percentual potency has to be less than or equal to the Upper margin.
Supported models
Linear parallel-line, 4-parameter logistic, 5-parameter logistic, 3-parameter logistic with fixed lower asymptote, 3-parameter logistic with fixed upper asymptote, Slope ratio
Assay elements
Test, Control
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
Test: Potency of intermediate dilution
Add one or several tests for the intermediate dilution potency to your assay. To add the tests as assay suitability tests, add them as children of the Assay suitability tests element. To add the tests as sample suitability tests, add them as children of the Sample suitability tests element.
To pass the test, the potency of the specified intermediate dilution has to be greater than or equal to the Lower margin set in the test definition and less than or equal to the Upper margin.
Supported models
Linear parallel-line, 4-parameter logistic, 5-parameter logistic, 3-parameter logistic with fixed lower asymptote, 3-parameter logistic with fixed upper asymptote, Slope ratio
Assay elements
Standard, Test, Control
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
Test: Potency range (%)
Add one or several tests for the relative-potency range to your assay. To add the tests as assay suitability tests, add them as children of the Assay suitability tests element. To add the tests as sample suitability tests, add them as children of the Sample suitability tests element.
To pass the test, the percentual relative-potency range has to be less than or equal to the Upper margin set in the test definition.
Supported models
Linear parallel-line, 4-parameter logistic, 5-parameter logistic, 3-parameter logistic with fixed lower asymptote, 3-parameter logistic with fixed upper asymptote, Slope ratio
Assay elements:
Test, Control
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
Test: Potency spread (%)
Add one or several tests for the precentual spread of potencies to your assay.
This test allows you to define an Upper margin for the percentual spread of relative/absolute potencies used in the combination calculation.
To pass the test, the observed value must be less than or equal to the Upper margin.
The potency spread (PS) is calculated as follows:
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/
Test: Potency value
Add one or several tests for the potency value to your assay. To add the tests as assay suitability tests, add them as children of the Assay suitability tests element. To add the tests as sample suitability tests, add them as children of the Sample suitability tests element.
To pass the test, the potency value has to be greater than or equal to the Lower margin set in the test definition and less than or equal to the Upper margin.
Supported models
Linear parallel-line, 4-parameter logistic, 5-parameter logistic, 3-parameter logistic with fixed lower asymptote, 3-parameter logistic with fixed upper asymptote, Slope ratio
Assay elements
Test, Control
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
Test: Pure error
Use this test for the following models:
- Linear parallel-line model
- Slope ratio model
- 4-parameter logistic fit
- 4-parameter logistic fit with included blanks
- 5-parameter logistic fit
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Empty | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Margin development/Additional tests/
Test: Ratio sum of squares non-linearity / sum of squares regression
Use this test for the following models:
- Linear parallel-line model
- Slope ratio model
- 4-parameter logistic fit
- 4-parameter logistic fit with included blanks
- 5-parameter logistic fit
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Empty | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Margin development/Additional tests/
Test: Ratio sum of squares non-linearity / sum of squares regression
Add one or several tests for the ratio of sum of squares non-linearity (sum-of-squares lack of fit) to sum of squares regression to your assay. To add the tests as assay suitability tests, add them as children of the Assay suitability tests element. To add the tests as sample suitability tests, add them as children of the Sample suitability tests element.
To pass the test, the ratio must be greater than or equal to the Lower margin and less than or equal to the Upper margin.
Supported models
Linear parallel-line, 4-parameter logistic, 5-parameter logistic, 3-parameter logistic with fixed lower asymptote, 3-parameter logistic with fixed upper asymptote, Slope ratio
Scope of the test
- The Standard sample is always included in the calculation.
- 'Test samples only' or 'Control samples only' without simultaneous regression: The test is computed for each Test-vs-Standard or Control-vs-Standard comparison.
- 'All assay elements' without simultaneous regression: The test is computed for each Test-vs-Standard and for each Control-vs-Standard comparison.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
Test reference
Select the test whose results are to determine whether this test is to be executed.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:string | 1...1 | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/F-test (hypothesis test)/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Parameter estimate/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Difference of parameter estimates/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Ratio of parameter estimates/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Scaled parameter range/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Parameter estimate/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Difference of parameter estimates/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Ratio of parameter estimates/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Normalized difference of asymptotes/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares regression/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-parallelism/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-linearity/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Ratio sum of squares non-linearity / sum of squares regression/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency value/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Log potency range (L-value)/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency of intermediate dilution/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval (%)/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency range (%)/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Weight (W)/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal number of outliers/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal sequence step CV (%)/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Minimal R²/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Relative LOF error (%)/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Response value range/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Root mean square error (RMSE)/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/F-test (hypothesis test)/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Parameter estimate/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Difference of parameter estimates/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Ratio of parameter estimates/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Scaled parameter range/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Parameter estimate/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Difference of parameter estimates/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Ratio of parameter estimates/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Normalized difference of asymptotes/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares regression/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-parallelism/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-linearity/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Ratio sum of squares non-linearity / sum of squares regression/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency value/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Log potency range (L-value)/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency of intermediate dilution/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval (%)/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency range (%)/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Weight (W)/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal number of outliers/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal sequence step CV (%)/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Minimal R²/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Relative LOF error (%)/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Response value range/Conditional evaluation/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Root mean square error (RMSE)/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/F-test (hypothesis test)/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Parameter estimate/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Difference of parameter estimates/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Ratio of parameter estimates/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Scaled parameter range/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Parameter estimate/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Difference of parameter estimates/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Ratio of parameter estimates/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Normalized difference of asymptotes/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares regression/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-parallelism/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-linearity/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Ratio sum of squares non-linearity / sum of squares regression/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency value/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Log potency range (L-value)/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency of intermediate dilution/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval (%)/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency range (%)/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Weight (W)/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal number of outliers/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal sequence step CV (%)/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Minimal R²/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Relative LOF error (%)/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Response value range/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Root mean square error (RMSE)/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/F-test (hypothesis test)/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Parameter estimate/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Difference of parameter estimates/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Ratio of parameter estimates/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Scaled parameter range/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Parameter estimate/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Difference of parameter estimates/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Ratio of parameter estimates/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Normalized difference of asymptotes/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares regression/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-parallelism/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-linearity/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Ratio sum of squares non-linearity / sum of squares regression/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency value/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Log potency range (L-value)/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency of intermediate dilution/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval (%)/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency range (%)/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Weight (W)/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal number of outliers/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal sequence step CV (%)/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Minimal R²/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Relative LOF error (%)/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Response value range/Conditional evaluation/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Root mean square error (RMSE)/Conditional evaluation/
Test: Relative LOF error (%)
Add one or several tests for the relative lack-of-fit error to your assay. To add the tests as assay suitability tests, add them as children of the Assay suitability tests element. To add the tests as sample suitability tests, add them as children of the Sample suitability tests element.
To pass the test, the relative lack-of-fit error has to be less than or equal to the Upper margin set in the test definition.
The relative lack-of-fit error is calculated as follows:
Where S is the sum-of-squares lack of fit from the ANOVA table, N is the total number of observations, a is the upper asymptote, and d is the lower asymptote.
Supported models
4-parameter logistic, 3-parameter logistic with fixed lower asymptote, 3-parameter logistic with fixed upper asymptote
Assay elements
Test, Control
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
Test: Residual error
Use this test for the following models:
- Linear parallel-line model
- Slope ratio model
- 4-parameter logistic fit
- 4-parameter logistic fit with included blanks
- 5-parameter logistic fit
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Empty | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Margin development/Additional tests/
Test: Response value range
Add one or several tests for the response value range to your assay. To add the tests as assay suitability tests, add them as children of the Assay suitability tests element. To add the tests as sample suitability tests, add them as children of the Sample suitability tests element.
To pass the test, the minimal response value of the assay element has to be greater than or equal to the Lower margin set in the test definition, and the maximal response value of the assay element has to be less than or equal to the Upper margin. The original values are always used, even if a Response transformation has been set. Technical and statistical outliers are excluded.
Supported models
Linear parallel-line, 4-parameter logistic, 5-parameter logistic, 3-parameter logistic with fixed lower asymptote, 3-parameter logistic with fixed upper asymptote, Slope ratio
Scope of the test
- Standard only: Runs the test for the Standard sample.
- Test samples only: Runs the test for every Test sample.
- Control samples only: Runs the test for every Control sample.
- Control lines only: Runs the test for every Control line.
- All assay elements: Runs the test for every assay element.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
Test: Root mean square error (RMSE)
Add one or several tests for the root mean square error to your assay. To add the tests as assay suitability tests, add them as children of the Assay suitability tests element. To add the tests as sample suitability tests, add them as children of the Sample suitability tests element.
To pass the test, the square root of mean square error of the unrestricted regression fit has to be less than or equal to the Upper margin set in the test definition.
Supported models
Scope of the test
- Standard only: Runs the test for the Standard sample.
- Test samples only: Runs the test for every Test sample.
- Control samples only: Runs the test for every Control sample.
- All assay elements: Runs the test for every assay element except Control lines.
Extent of the test
- Assay element: Runs the test on the data of individual assay elements. Example: If you set the scope of the test to 'Test samples only', the test is evaluated for each individual Test sample.
- Assay (without simultaneous regression): Runs the test on the data of individual Test-vs-Standard and Control-vs-Standard comparisons. Example: If you set the scope of the test to 'Test samples only', the test is evaluated for each individual Test-vs-Standard comparison.
- Assay (simultaneous regression): Runs the test on the data of the whole assay. Example: If you set the scope of the test to 'Test samples only', the test is evaluated for the whole assay.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
Test sample
This section allows you to provide information on a Test sample, also referred to as preparation sample or unknown. The potency of Test samples is calculated in comparison to the Standard sample.
To provide information on the substance: Add the elements you need, such as Substance name or Substance reference, from the Creatable elements pane.
Expand the node to add or view information.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | required | none |
/Basic bioassay protocol/choice/Mode: Assay element/
/Quantitative response assay/Setup/Assay elements/
Test: Signature status
Add one or several tests for the signature state to your assay.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/
Test strategies
This section allows you to define the test strategies you want to evaluate in verification and visualization.
Expand the node to add or view information.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 1...1 | required | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/
Test strategy verification
Select the 'yes' option from the drop-down list to use the development and verification assays to evaluate all test strategies you define.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 1...1 | required | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Settings/
Test strategy visualization
Select the 'yes' option from the drop-down list to generate and visualize the parameter configurations that pass the defined test strategies. The parameter configurations are processed for each test strategy separately.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 1...1 | required | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Settings/
Test: Sum of squares non-linearity
Add or delete tests for specific assay elements.
The following options are available:
- Test: Sum of squares non-linearity (all): Combines the terms for non-linearity of the Standard sample and the Test/ Control sample.
- Test: Sum of squares non-linearity (Standard only): Only uses the terms for non-linearity of the Standard sample.
- Test: Sum of squares non-linearity (Test/Control): Only uses the terms for non-linearity of the Test/ Control sample.
Expand the node to add or view information.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Margin development/Additional tests/
Test: Sum of squares non-linearity
Add one or several tests for the sum of squares non-linearity (also known as sum of squares lack of fit) to your assay. To add the tests as assay suitability tests, add them as children of the Assay suitability tests element. To add the tests as sample suitability tests, add them as children of the Sample suitability tests element.
To pass the test, the sum of squares non-linearity (from the ANOVA table) has to be less than or equal to the Upper margin set in the test definition.
Supported models
Linear parallel-line, 4-parameter logistic, 5-parameter logistic, 3-parameter logistic with fixed lower asymptote, 3-parameter logistic with fixed upper asymptote, Slope ratio
Scope of the test
- The Standard sample is always included in the calculation.
- 'Standard only' without simultaneous regression (each Test or Control sample is compared separately to the Standard): No test is computed.
- 'Test samples only' or 'Control samples only' without simultaneous regression: The test is computed for each Test-vs-Standard or Control-vs-Standard comparison.
- 'All assay elements' without simultaneous regression: The test is computed for each Test-vs-Standard and for each Control-vs-Standard comparison.
Extent of the test
- Assay element: Runs the test on the data of individual assay elements.
- Assay: Runs the test on the data of the whole assay.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
Test: Sum of squares non-linearity (all)
Use this test for the following models:
- Linear parallel-line model
- Slope ratio model
- 4-parameter logistic fit
- 4-parameter logistic fit with included blanks
- 5-parameter logistic fit
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Empty | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Margin development/Additional tests/Test: Sum of squares non-linearity/
Test: Sum of squares non-linearity (Standard only)
Use this test for the following models:
- Linear parallel-line model
- Slope ratio model
- 4-parameter logistic fit
- 4-parameter logistic fit with included blanks
- 5-parameter logistic fit
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Empty | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Margin development/Additional tests/Test: Sum of squares non-linearity/
Test: Sum of squares non-linearity (Test/Control)
Use this test for the following models:
- Linear parallel-line model
- Slope ratio model
- 4-parameter logistic fit
- 4-parameter logistic fit with included blanks
- 5-parameter logistic fit
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Empty | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Margin development/Additional tests/Test: Sum of squares non-linearity/
Test: Sum of squares non-parallelism
Use this test for the following models:
- Linear parallel-line model
- Slope ratio model
- 4-parameter logistic fit
- 4-parameter logistic fit with included blanks
- 5-parameter logistic fit
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Empty | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Margin development/Additional tests/
Test: Sum of squares non-parallelism
Add one or several tests for the sum of squares non-parallelism to your assay. To add the tests as assay suitability tests, add them as children of the Assay suitability tests element. To add the tests as sample suitability tests, add them as children of the Sample suitability tests element.
To pass the test, the sum of squares non-parallelism (from the ANOVA table) has to be less than or equal to the Upper margin set in the test definition.
Supported models
Linear parallel-line, 4-parameter logistic, 5-parameter logistic, 3-parameter logistic with fixed lower asymptote, 3-parameter logistic with fixed upper asymptote, Slope ratio
Scope of the test
- The Standard sample is always included in the calculation.
- 'Test samples only' or 'Control samples only' without simultaneous regression: The test is computed for each Test-vs-Standard or Control-vs-Standard comparison.
- 'All assay elements' without simultaneous regression: The test is computed for each Test-vs-Standard and for each Control-vs-Standard comparison.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
Test: Sum of squares regression
Use this test for the following models:
- Linear parallel-line model
- Slope ratio model
- 4-parameter logistic fit
- 4-parameter logistic fit with included blanks
- 5-parameter logistic fit
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Empty | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Margin development/Additional tests/
Test: Sum of squares regression
Add one or several tests for the sum of squares regression to your assay. To add the tests as assay suitability tests, add them as children of the Assay suitability tests element. To add the tests as sample suitability tests, add them as children of the Sample suitability tests element.
To pass the test, the sum of squares regression (from the ANOVA table) has to be less than or equal to the Upper margin set in the test definition.
Supported models
Linear parallel-line, 4-parameter logistic, 5-parameter logistic, 3-parameter logistic with fixed lower asymptote, 3-parameter logistic with fixed upper asymptote, Slope ratio
Scope of the test
- The Standard sample is always included in the calculation.
- 'Test samples only' or 'Control samples only' without simultaneous regression: The test is computed for each Test-vs-Standard or Control-vs-Standard comparison.
- 'All assay elements' without simultaneous regression: The test is computed for each Test-vs-Standard and for each Control-vs-Standard comparison.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
Test: Sum of weights
Add one or several tests for the sum of weights to your assay. This test allows you to define upper and lower margins for the sum of weights.
To pass the test, the observed value must be greater than or equal to the Lower margin set in the test definition and less than or equal to the Upper margin.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/
Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)
Defines a collection of Suitability tests and corresponding margins for Quantitative response assays.
You can reference this Test system definition document from Quantitative response assays. When you calculate an assay that references this document, the test(s) specified in this document are applied to the assay.
1. Expand the node to add or view information. The second level of the document structure displays the Name and Date of the document.
2. Double-click the Identification element in the Creatable elements pane to add it to the document.
3. Double-click the Comment element in the Creatable elements pane to add a Comment section to the document.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 1...1 | none |
Top level
Test system reference
Select a Test system definition document.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/
Test: Weight (W)
Add one or several tests for the weight to your assay. To add the tests as assay suitability tests, add them as children of the Assay suitability tests element. To add the tests as sample suitability tests, add them as children of the Sample suitability tests element.
To pass the test, the potency weight has to be greater than or equal to the Lower margin set in the test definition.
Supported models
Linear parallel-line, 4-parameter logistic, 5-parameter logistic, 3-parameter logistic with fixed lower asymptote, 3-parameter logistic with fixed upper asymptote, Slope ratio
Assay elements
Test, Control
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/
Tests: Normalized difference of asymptotes
Select the tests for which you want to develop margins. In this section, you can select tests for the normalized difference of assymptotes.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Margin development/
Tests: Normalized difference of asymptotes
Select the tests you want to use to define your test strategy. In this section, you can select tests for the normalized difference of assymptotes.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/
Enter your comment.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:string | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Basic bioassay protocol/Comment/
/Combination of independent assay results/Comment/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Comment/
/Quantitative response assay/Comment/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Comment/
Tolerance level
Specifies what proportion of data is to lie within developed margins. Select 95%, for example, to exclude the outer 5% data values from the calculation. A common value is 95%.
A higher tolerance level results in a greater equivalence range (distance between equivalence margins).
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:double | 1...1 | required | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Settings/
Transform your response values using Logarithmic, Square, or Square root response transformation.
Example: Use this feature to mitigate problems caused by the heteroscedasticity of your response data.
Expand the node to add or view information.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Response data processing/choice/
Transformed dose maximum
Enter a decimal number to be used as greatest value of the x-axis in simulation plots.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:double | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Visualization/Transformed dose range/
Transformed dose minimum
Enter a decimal number to be used as least value of the x-axis in simulation plots.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:double | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Visualization/Transformed dose range/
Transformed dose range
Defines the least and greatest value of the x-axis used for simulation plots. These values only apply if no assays are referenced. Otherwise, the values of the referenced assays are used.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Visualization/
Select the type of F-test you want to use from the drop-down list.
Please consult the help page on the F-test (hypothesis test) for additional information.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 1...1 | required | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/F-test (hypothesis test)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/F-test (hypothesis test)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/F-test (hypothesis test)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/F-test (hypothesis test)/
Enter the unit of the response values.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Setup/Observation data/Column: Response value/
Update mode
Select how you want to update document references and the data provided by these documents.
The following four Update modes are available:
Mode | Trigger | Scope |
Auto all | Updates automatically when you open or close the document. | Searches the entire database for data matching the property filter. Updates all matching data and the list of referenced documents. |
Auto data | Updates automatically when you open or close the document. | Updates data from currently referenced documents. |
Manual all | Updates when you manually execute the update command in the References editor. | Searches the entire database for data matching the property filter. Updates all matching data and the list of referenced documents. |
Manual data | Updates when you manually execute the update command in the References editor. | Updates data from currently referenced documents. |
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Basic bioassay protocol/Reportable values/Document reference/
/Combination of independent assay results/Setup/Potency data/Column: Document reference/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Data table/Column: Document reference/
/Quantitative response assay/Setup/Observation data/Column: Document reference/
Update mode
Select how you want to update data provided by the referenced document.
The following options are available from the drop-down list:
- Auto: Have data updated automatically.
- Manual: Update data manually from the References dialog.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 1...1 | required | none |
/Basic bioassay protocol/Documentation/choice/Substance reference/Config/
/Basic bioassay protocol/choice/Mode: Assay element/Standard sample/choice/Substance reference/Config/
/Basic bioassay protocol/choice/Mode: Assay element/Test sample/choice/Substance reference/Config/
/Basic bioassay protocol/choice/Mode: Assay element/Control sample/choice/Substance reference/Config/
/Basic bioassay protocol/choice/Mode: Assay element/Control line/choice/Substance reference/Config/
/Combination of independent assay results/Documentation/choice/Substance reference/Config/
/Combination of independent assay results/Documentation/Groups/Group/choice/Substance reference/Config/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Comment/Linked Document/Config/
/Quantitative response assay/Documentation/choice/Substance reference/Config/
/Quantitative response assay/Documentation/Reagent/choice/Reagent reference/Config/
/Quantitative response assay/Setup/Assay elements/Standard sample/choice/Substance reference/Config/
/Quantitative response assay/Setup/Assay elements/Test sample/choice/Substance reference/Config/
/Quantitative response assay/Setup/Assay elements/Control sample/choice/Substance reference/Config/
/Quantitative response assay/Setup/Assay elements/Control line/choice/Substance reference/Config/
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 0...1 | required | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Comment/Linked Document/Config/
Upper asymptote (A) (nonlinear models)
This parameter is used for the following models:
- 4-parameter logistic fit
- 4-parameter logistic fit with included blanks
- 5-parameter logistic fit
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Visualization/Simulation space/
Upper asymptote (A) (nonlinear models)
Use this test for the following models:
- 4-parameter logistic fit
- 4-parameter logistic fit with included blanks
- 5-parameter logistic fit
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Empty | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Margin development/Equivalence tests: Parameter estimate/
Upper margin
Enter the Upper margin of the test as decimal number. To pass the test, the observed value must be less than or equal to the Upper margin.
Please consult the help page of the test for additional information.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:double | 1...1 | required | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency range (%)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Relative LOF error (%)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Root mean square error (RMSE)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency range (%)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Relative LOF error (%)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Root mean square error (RMSE)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency range (%)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Relative LOF error (%)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Root mean square error (RMSE)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency range (%)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Relative LOF error (%)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Root mean square error (RMSE)/
Upper margin
Enter the Upper margin of the test as positive decimal number (zero included). To pass the test, the observed value must be less than or equal to the Upper margin.
Please consult the help page of the test for additional information.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:double | 1...1 | required | none |
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency spread (%)/
Upper margin
Enter the Upper margin of the test as natural number (zero included). To pass the test, the observed value must be less than or equal to the Upper margin.
Please consult the help page of the test for additional information.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:nonNegativeInteger | 1...1 | required | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal number of outliers/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal number of outliers/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal number of outliers/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal number of outliers/
Upper margin
Enter the Upper margin of the test as decimal number. The Upper margin must be greater than or equal to the Lower margin of the test.
Please consult the help page of the test for additional information.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:double | 0...1 | required | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Parameter estimate/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Difference of parameter estimates/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Ratio of parameter estimates/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Parameter estimate/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Difference of parameter estimates/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Ratio of parameter estimates/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Normalized difference of asymptotes/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares regression/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-parallelism/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-linearity/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency value/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Log potency range (L-value)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency of intermediate dilution/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval (%)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Response value range/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Parameter estimate/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Difference of parameter estimates/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Ratio of parameter estimates/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Parameter estimate/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Difference of parameter estimates/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Ratio of parameter estimates/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Normalized difference of asymptotes/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares regression/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-parallelism/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-linearity/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency value/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Log potency range (L-value)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency of intermediate dilution/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval (%)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Response value range/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Parameter estimate/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Difference of parameter estimates/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Ratio of parameter estimates/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Parameter estimate/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Difference of parameter estimates/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Ratio of parameter estimates/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Normalized difference of asymptotes/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares regression/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-parallelism/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-linearity/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency value/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Log potency range (L-value)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency of intermediate dilution/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval (%)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Response value range/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Parameter estimate/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Difference of parameter estimates/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Ratio of parameter estimates/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Parameter estimate/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Difference of parameter estimates/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Point estimate test: Ratio of parameter estimates/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Normalized difference of asymptotes/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares regression/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-parallelism/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of squares non-linearity/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency value/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Log potency range (L-value)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency of intermediate dilution/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Potency confidence interval (%)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Response value range/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Ratio sum of squares non-linearity / sum of squares regression/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Ratio sum of squares non-linearity / sum of squares regression/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Ratio sum of squares non-linearity / sum of squares regression/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Ratio sum of squares non-linearity / sum of squares regression/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Scaled parameter range/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Scaled parameter range/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Scaled parameter range/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Equivalence test: Scaled parameter range/
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:double | 1...1 | required | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal sequence step CV (%)/
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal sequence step CV (%)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal sequence step CV (%)/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Maximal sequence step CV (%)/
Upper margin
Enter the Upper margin of the test as decimal number. To pass the test, the observed value must be less than or equal to the Upper margin.
Please consult the help page of the test for additional information.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:double | 1...1 | optional | none |
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/Test: Combined potency value/
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:double | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/Test: Combined potency confidence interval/
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/Test: Combined potency confidence interval (%)/
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/Test: Coefficient of variation (%)/
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/Test: Geometric coefficient of variation (%)/
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/Test: Log potency range (L-value)/
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/Test: Mean coefficient of variation (%)/
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/Test: Combined log potency confidence interval width (L-term)/
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/Test: Combined potency confidence interval range (%)/
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/Test: Sum of weights/
Upper margin
Enter the Upper margin of the test as a positive integer. To pass the test, the observed value must be less than or equal to the Upper margin.
Please consult the help page of the test for additional information.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:integer | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/Test: Number of invalid assays/
/Combination of independent assay results/Analysis/Suitability tests/choice/Test: Number of valid assays/
Upper margin (calculated value)
Select how you want to define the upper margin of the test. The following options are available from the drop-down list:
- Calculated value: Selects the corresponding upper margin from the margins you developed.
- Manual input: Allows you to enter a decimal number to set the upper margin manually.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Empty | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence tests: Parameter estimate/Upper asymptote (A) (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence tests: Parameter estimate/B parameter (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence tests: Parameter estimate/C parameter (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence tests: Parameter estimate/Lower asymptote (D) (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence tests: Parameter estimate/Asymmetry parameter (G) (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence tests: Parameter estimate/Slope (linear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence tests: Parameter estimate/Intercept (linear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence tests: Parameter estimate/Difference of asymptotes (A - D) (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence tests: Parameter estimate/Ratio of asymptotes (A / D) (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Point estimate tests: Parameter estimate/Upper asymptote (A) (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Point estimate tests: Parameter estimate/B parameter (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Point estimate tests: Parameter estimate/C parameter (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Point estimate tests: Parameter estimate/Lower asymptote (D) (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Point estimate tests: Parameter estimate/Asymmetry parameter (G) (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Point estimate tests: Parameter estimate/Slope (linear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Point estimate tests: Parameter estimate/Intercept (linear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Point estimate tests: Parameter estimate/Slope (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Point estimate tests: Parameter estimate/Difference of asymptotes (A - D) (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Point estimate tests: Parameter estimate/Ratio of asymptotes (A / D) (nonlinear models)/choice/
Upper margin (manual input)
Select how you want to define the upper margin of the test. The following options are available from the drop-down list:
- Calculated value: Selects the corresponding upper margin from the margins you developed.
- Manual input: Allows you to enter a decimal number to set the upper margin manually.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:double | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence tests: Parameter estimate/Upper asymptote (A) (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence tests: Parameter estimate/B parameter (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence tests: Parameter estimate/C parameter (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence tests: Parameter estimate/Lower asymptote (D) (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence tests: Parameter estimate/Asymmetry parameter (G) (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence tests: Parameter estimate/Slope (linear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence tests: Parameter estimate/Intercept (linear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence tests: Parameter estimate/Difference of asymptotes (A - D) (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Equivalence tests: Parameter estimate/Ratio of asymptotes (A / D) (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Point estimate tests: Parameter estimate/Upper asymptote (A) (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Point estimate tests: Parameter estimate/B parameter (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Point estimate tests: Parameter estimate/C parameter (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Point estimate tests: Parameter estimate/Lower asymptote (D) (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Point estimate tests: Parameter estimate/Asymmetry parameter (G) (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Point estimate tests: Parameter estimate/Slope (linear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Point estimate tests: Parameter estimate/Intercept (linear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Point estimate tests: Parameter estimate/Slope (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Point estimate tests: Parameter estimate/Difference of asymptotes (A - D) (nonlinear models)/choice/
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/Test strategies/Strategy/Point estimate tests: Parameter estimate/Ratio of asymptotes (A / D) (nonlinear models)/choice/
Use response transformation
If you set Use response transformation to 'yes', the transformed response values are used to estimate the 50-percent response. And for the selected range, the following applies:
The minimal transformed response of the selected range is less than or equal to the 50-percent response based on the transformed response values, and the maximal transformed response of the selected range is greater than or equal to the 50-percent response based on the transformed response values.
If you set Use response transformation to 'no', the original scale is used to estimate the 50-percent response. And for the selected range, the following applies:
The minimal response of the selected range is less than or equal to the 50-percent response, and the maximal response of the selected range is greater than or equal to the 50-percent response. Here, 'response' refers to response values of the original scale.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 1...1 | required | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Data selection schemes/Data selection scheme/choice/Optimization on/choice/Include 50-percent response/
User instruction
Enter text to be displayed as user instruction on the document dashboard. User instructions are intended for template designers. You can enter multiline text and add Markdown tagging to format user instructions.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:string | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Basic bioassay protocol/Documentation/
/Combination of independent assay results/Documentation/
/Quantitative response assay/Documentation/
User variable
Define user variables for custom reports/ custom component packages. They have no functionality in standard reports/ standard component packages.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Combination of independent assay results/Documentation/
/Quantitative response assay/Documentation/
/Quantitative response assay/Setup/Assay elements/Standard sample/
/Quantitative response assay/Setup/Assay elements/Test sample/
/Quantitative response assay/Setup/Assay elements/Control sample/
/Quantitative response assay/Setup/Assay elements/Control line/
Valid for replicate
Enter a valid replicate number to specify which replicate you want to generate based on this template.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:positiveInteger | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Basic bioassay protocol/Templates/Assay templates/Assay template/
Enter the value of the user variable for the test.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Analysis/Suitability tests/Document suitability tests/Test on user variable/
/Test system definition (Quantitative response assay)/Suitability tests/Document suitability tests/Test on user variable/
Enter the value you want to use in custom reports/ custom component packages.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Combination of independent assay results/Documentation/User variable/
Enter the value you want to use in custom reports. For user variables of custom add-ons, values are generated by the system.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Quantitative response assay/Documentation/User variable/
/Quantitative response assay/Setup/Assay elements/Standard sample/User variable/
/Quantitative response assay/Setup/Assay elements/Test sample/User variable/
/Quantitative response assay/Setup/Assay elements/Control sample/User variable/
/Quantitative response assay/Setup/Assay elements/Control line/User variable/
This section allows you to set the parameters you require for simulation. Simulations sample possible configurations of the parameters that come with the model of referenced assays.
The tests selected in the Test strategies section are applied to each configuration:
- Configurations that do not pass all tests are rejected.
- Configurations that pass all tests are plotted in the report.
The graphs of the report provide an overview of the assays that pass all tests within selected margins.
Expand the node to add or view information.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 1...1 | required | none |
/Equivalence margin development (Quantitative response assays)/