Regression model

Select a regression model to accurately quantify endotoxin levels by fitting a curve or a straight line to the assay data​ of your bioMérieux endotoxin detection assay.

Created from scratch, bioMérieux endotoxin detection assay documents use the 4-parameter logistic regression model. You can switch to the linear model if you require.
Figure 1. Regression models of a bioMérieux endotoxin detection assay document

4-parameter logistic model

Use the 4-parameter logistic model to let PLA 3.0 determine the regression curve using the measured RFU values at the nominal concentration of the Standard sample.

The model is defined by the following equation:

dRFU = ( A - D ) 1 + Dose C B + D

This regression model is weighted with method 1/y or 1/y2.

Linear model

Use the linear model to let PLA 3.0 determine the regression curve using the measured RFU values at the nominal concentration of the Standard sample.

When using this regression model, a Blank control sample for calculating the net dRFU is required.

The model is defined by the following equation:

log(net dRFU) = m log ( Dose ) + n