Response data processing

Use response data processing to configure the processing of response data, for example, to subtract the absorbance of blank wells or to divide response values by the mean absorbance of maximum binding wells.

By default, the following processing steps are displayed, with all steps being deactivated. Activate the steps you require:


You can adjust by a fixed value, by Control line, or block-based by Control line.

  • By a fixed value: You can enter a fixed value to subtract from every response value.

  • By Control line: You can subtract the response values of all samples from the mean response value of the selected control line.

  • Block-based by Control line: PLA 3.0 calculates an individual correction value for each block by subtracting all mean response values of the control line from the mean control line response values of the respective block. The resulting correction value is subtracted from all response values of the respective block.


You can normalize by a fixed value, by Control line, or block-based by Control line.

  • By a fixed value: You can enter a fixed value by which to divide the response values.

  • By Control line: The response values of all samples are divided by the mean response value of the selected control line.

  • Block-based by Control line: PLA 3.0 calculates the mean control line response values of each block and divides all response values of the respective block by this mean value.


The response value is transformed according to the function you select. You can employ logarithmic, square, and square root transformation functions.

Replicate averaging

The regression uses the mean response of each sequence step rather than the response values of individual replicates.

Note: As this method influences the degrees of freedom and the control limits, we recommend using it with care.