Update your license

Update your Concurrent use license to increase the number of users allowed to work with PLA 3.0 at the same time.

Note: Updating your license is necessary only if you want to increase the maximum number of available licenses. You can install PLA 3.0 on additional computers and add them as clients to your license server anytime.

About this task

The steps to update a Concurrent use license are the same as the ones to activate a PLA 3.0 license using a software key with the exception that, when collecting status information in a customer-to-vendor (.c2v) file, you have to select the Update of an existing protection key option.

The vendor-to-customer (.v2c) file you receive from our Sales team will contain an increased number of concurrent users. Apply this file to the license server.

For details on the steps, see the Activate your license topic.