Licenses on a license server
By default, clients can access all Sentinel license servers running in the same subnet. If you operate several subnets or want to restrict the access of clients to a license server, you have to control the access accordingly.
Important: This topic applies to Sentinel license servers only.
Configure licensing across subnets: Configure clients such that they perform a broadcast search across the whole network when trying to obtain a license.
Restrict access on the server side: Configure a Sentinel license server such that only specific clients can access it.
Restrict access on the client side: Configure a client such that it can access only a subset of the available license servers.
Tip: To view all Sentinel keys available on the license server, open the PLA
License Control Center in a browser at, and open the
Sentinel keys menu. The list displays software and hardware
keys connected locally to your computer, and keys that are shared by other computers in
your local network.