Create templates

Create templates to standardize the setup of new documents. Documents created from templates inherit template settings like document structure, initial values, and protection settings for document elements.

About this task

Creating templates is a three-step procedure. In the first step, you create the template document. Then, you set up the document structure and element values according to your requirements. In the third step, you define protection settings and configure initial values.

Tip: Instead of creating templates from scratch, you can also save existing documents as templates. In this case, you have to manually remove observations and annotations from the new templates.


To create a template document:
  1. In the Navigator, right-click the folder in which you want to create a template.
  2. From the context menu, select New.
  3. In the Create a new document dialog, on the Available document types tab, select the document type for which you want to create a template.
  4. Activate the Create as template option.
  5. To confirm your selection, select Create.
    Result: The Content editor opens, displaying your new template.
  6. Enter a template name.
To set up the document structure:
  1. Use the panes of the Content editor to set up the document structure according to you requirements. Add elements to refine the existing structure and remove elements you do not require.
    For details on how to work with this editor, see the Content editor topic.
  2. Enter values for your document elements.
    For details on how to work with element values, see the Set element values topic.
To define protection settings:
  1. Apply permissions and initial values to document elements.
    For details, see the Protection settings topic.
  2. Save the template.