Configure document type-specific keys

Configure individual identification keys for document types and their related templates.

Note: To configure document type-specific keys, you require the Change document and folder key document permission.

About this task

By default, all document types use the same key format. You can change the default such that specific document types and their related templates use their own identification keys.


To configure document type-specific keys:
  1. In the Navigator, right-click the folder for which you want to change the properties.
  2. From the context menu, select Folder properties.
  3. In the Folder properties dialog, navigate to the Document key format tab.
  4. Select Change configuration.
    Tip: To reset all settings to their default, select Reset configuration.
  5. Under Document type specific keys, select Add.
  6. In the Specific document type key format dialog, complete the following steps:
    1. Select the document type for which you want to configure an individual key format.
    2. Under Document key, configure the combination of prefix, counter, and suffix you want to use for documents of this document type.
    3. Under Template key, configure the combination of prefix, counter, and suffix you want to use for templates of this document type.
  7. Select OK.
  8. Confirm your settings with OK.


In the following example, Quantitative response assay documents and their templates use their own keys instead of the default keys. Documents get a -Lab suffix:
Configuring document type-specific keys
Figure 1. Configuring document type-specific keys