Change default keys

Change the default identification keys of documents, templates, and folders according to your requirements.

Note: To change default identification keys, you require the Change document and folder key document permission.

About this task

Identification keys consist of a prefix, a counter, and a suffix. The default keys do not use suffixes. You can change the default setup to, for example, include suffixes or add padding to the counter.


To change default keys:
  1. In the Navigator, right-click the folder for which you want to change the properties.
  2. From the context menu, select Folder properties.
  3. In the Folder properties dialog, navigate to the Document key format tab.
  4. Select Change configuration.
    Tip: To reset all settings to their default, select Reset configuration.
  5. Under Default keys, select Change… next to the key you want to adapt.
  6. In the respective edit dialog, adapt the prefix, counter, and suffix according to your requirements.
  7. Confirm your settings with OK.


In the following example, the custom setup pads counters to three digits, and adds a -Dev suffix to the keys of templates and folders:
Changing default keys for documents, templates, and folders
Figure 1. Changing default keys for documents, templates, and folders