Upgrade document structure

Use the upgrade document structure feature to upgrade documents to the structure required by the latest add-on version.

Choose the document modes to be upgraded

When updating all documents in a folder, you can use this section to specify which documents inside the folder you want to upgrade.

Item Description

Choose the document modes to upgraded

The document mode determines the purpose for which the document is used. You can upgrade documents, document templates, performance qualification (PQ) definitions, or any combination of the three.

Source folder

Displays both the name and the unique key of the currently selected folder. To select a different folder, select .

Choose how you wish to upgrade documents

Use this section to specify how you want to upgrade documents.

Item Description Notes

Upgrade copies of documents

Select this option to preserve the original documents.

The upgrade structure process does the following:
  • Creates copies of the documents whose structure is to be upgraded.

  • Deletes all results and signatures in these copies.

  • Upgrades the document structure of these copies.

  • Leaves the original documents untouched, and therefore preserves the results and signatures in the original documents.

If you copy documents that are used for data aggregration, make sure to also upgrade the references.

Upgrade document structures directly

Select this option if you no longer need the results and signatures contained in the original documents.

The upgrade structure process does the following:
  • Deletes all results and signatures in the documents whose structure is to be upgraded.

  • Upgrades the document structure of these documents.

The upgrade structure process is irreversible and discards all results and signatures.

Tip: Select this option and deactivate the Upgrade signed documents option to preserve all signed documents including the results and signatures contained in these documents, but no longer need the results contained in unsigned documents.

Upgrade signed documents

By default, signed documents are excluded from the upgrade process. If your database policies allow signature removal, you can include signed documents.

This option requires user authentication since it discards all results and signatures.

This option is available only if you upgrade the original documents. If you do not have the permission required to remove signatures, signed documents are still excluded.


Displays the login name of the current user.



When you select the Upgrade signed documents option, this text box requires the password of the current user.
