
Enable electronic signatures. Specify how signatures are created and how signed documents are handled to make signatures compliant with current regulations such as 21 CFR Part 11 in the pharmaceutical industry.

Note: For details on how to apply signatures, see the Sign documents topic. For examples on how electronic signatures in PLA 3.0 support regulatory compliance, see the Regulatory compliance topic.

General section

The following items are available:
Item Description Notes

Requires user name

Requires users to enter their user name every time they want to sign documents or remove signatures. The system only accepts the user name of the user who is currently logged in.

If you deactivate this option, the user name of the current user is recorded automatically.

Document signatures section

The following items are available:
Item Description Notes

Templates for electronic signatures

Provides users with a list of valid reasons for signing documents and removing signatures.

When users sign a document or remove a signature and are prompted to provide a reason for their actions, they can either type the reason into a text box or select an option provided by the Template list.

Tip: You can edit the list of available templates by clicking Edit.

Deny signature removal

Prevents the removal of signatures even by users who have the permissions required to remove signatures.


Deny deletion of signed documents

Prevents the deletion of signed documents even by users who have the permissions required to delete signed documents.


Deny deletion of documents containing signatures

Prevents the deletion of documents that contain signed sections or 'scopes' even by users who have the permissions required to delete signed sections or 'scopes'
