Step 2: Review and accept the SSL certificate

PLA 3.0 only supports encrypted connections (SSL) to directory servers. Review and accept the required SSL certificate.

Certificate check

The following items are available:

Item Description

Automatically trust certificate

Automatically trust the issued certificate.

Verify certificate manually

Manually affirm that you trust the certificate.

Certificate issued to

Lists information on the entity to which the certificate has been issued.

The following items are available:

Item Description

The certificate is trusted.

Displays the following command options:
  • Show certificate

  • Remove certificate

The certificate will not be trusted.

Displays the following command options:

  • Technical details

  • Show certificate

  • Trust certificate

Show certificate

Opens the Certificate viewer dialog that displays information on the certificate.

Remove certificate

Deletes the certificate information, which the directory server provided, from the database.

Technical details

Displays a pop-up window that provides detailed information on why the certificate is not trusted.

Trust certificate

Allows you to affirm that you trust the certificate.

Certificate viewer

Displays information on the certificate.

Item Description
General tab
Provides the following information on the certificate:
  • Issued to
  • Issued by
  • Validity: Issue and expiration date of the certificate
  • Fingerprints
Details tab
Provides the following information on the certificate:
  • Certificate hierarchy
  • Certificate details
  • Field raw values