Export a single document

Export a single document to make it available in another PLA 3.0 environment.


To export a document:
  1. In the detail view of the Navigator, right-click the document you want to export.
  2. From the context menu, select Export > Documents.
    Tip: If the Documents submenu is grayed out, check if the document is open in a data editor. If yes, close the document.
  3. In the Export as document package dialog, select the folder to which you want to export the document package:
    1. Select next to Target file.
    2. Navigate to the directory where you want to save the file, enter the file name, and then select Save.
      Tip: Select the *.edpdp file type to exchange documents with PLA 3.0 versions 3.0.5 or lower.
  4. To export the document and create the document package, select Start.