General tab

Assign and remove task permissions document roles.

Details section

The following items are available:




Displays the name of the currently selected document role.


Allows you to edit the description of the currently selected document role.


Opens the Translate dialog, where you can provide translations of the description. For details, see the Define translations topic.

Task permissions table

The following items are available:




Opens the Add task permission dialog, where you can select a single task from a list and assign it to the currently selected document role.


Removes the currently selected task from the document role.


Opens the Restrict task permission dialog for the task currently selected in the Task permissions table.



Lists the names of all tasks assigned to the currently selected document role.



Provides brief descriptions of the tasks listed in the Task column.



Advises of current restrictions imposed on individual task permissions.

The column indicates the areas where restrictions apply:
  • Permitted document types
  • Permitted document modes
  • Permitted document signature states

For details, see the Restrict task permission dialog.

Tip: Use control-click to select several entries, and shift-click to select consecutive entries.

Restrict task permission dialog

Use this dialog to impose restrictions that limit the scope of the currently selected document task permission. To open the dialog for a task permission, select the permission in the Task permissions table and click Edit.

Tip: When you change the settings of a task permission, your changes only apply to the currently selected document role rather than all document roles that have the task.
The following items are available:
Item Description


Displays the name of the task to which the settings of the dialog apply.


Displays the description of the task.

Permitted document types

Lists all document types activated for the database. By default, all document types are included.

Clear the checkboxes of the document types you want to exclude from this task permission.

Permitted document modes

Lists all document modes available in PLA 3.0. By default, all document modes are included.

Clear the checkboxes of the document modes you want to exclude from this task permission.

Permitted document signature states:

Lists all document signature states available in PLA 3.0. By default, all document signature states are included.

Clear the checkboxes of the document signature states you want to exclude from this task permission.