Set up the second chart

Set up the second chart to plot the aggregated parameters as lines and areas.

Before you begin

For this task, you work with chart elements. We recommend becoming familiar with this concept before beginning. For details, see the Chart elements topic.


To set up the second chart:
  1. Got to the second Chart > Elements entry.
  2. Use the Creatable elements pane to add one Intervals and one Sidecharts element.
  3. Set up the Data series element as follows:
    Name Enter Rel. Plot.
    Color Use 0, 0, 128 as the RGB value.
    Sidechart color Use 255, 128, 64 as the RGB value.
    Connecting lines Add this element and use 0, 0, 128 as the RGB value for the Line color element.
  4. Set up the Intervals element as follows:
    Name Enter Relative Potency Confidence Interval.
    Color Use 0, 66, 255 as the RGB value.
    Upper boundary dataset column Select 'Column: Upper confidence limit.'
    Lower boundary dataset column Select 'Column: Lower confidence limit.'
    Display style Select 'area.'
  5. Set up the Sidechart element as follows:
    Type: Box plot Change to Type: Mean and SD.
    SD factor Enter 1.
    Scope Select 'Subchart.'
    Draw horizontal lines Select 'yes.'
  6. Got to the second Chart > Graphic settings entry.
  7. Set up the Graphic settings element as follows:
    Label of the x axis Enter Chart for Monitoring Relative Potency and Relative Potency Confidence Intervals.
    Label of the y axis Enter Rel. Pot..
  8. Save the document.