Find reference information on document elements of the Microbial Assays for Antibiotics Package, letters M to R.
Map index to characters
Maps the position index to characters (index 1 is mapped to 'A', index 2 is mapped to 'B', ...).
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:boolean | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Position factor/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Position factor/
This section allows you to provide information on the ingredients of the base layer medium and its pH value. Expand the node to add or view information.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Documentation/Base layer/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Documentation/Base layer/
This section allows you to provide information on the ingredients of the seed layer medium and its pH value. Expand the node to add or view information.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Documentation/Inoculum/Seed layer/
Enter a name for this column.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:string | 0...1 | required | none |
/Combination of microbial assays/Potency data/Column: Section/
/Combination of microbial assays/Potency data/Column: Document reference/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Section/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Section/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Section/
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:string | 1...1 | required | none |
/Combination of microbial assays/Potency data/Column: Combination group/
/Combination of microbial assays/Potency data/Column: Potency/
/Combination of microbial assays/Potency data/Column: Potency unit/
/Combination of microbial assays/Potency data/Column: Assay test state/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Response value/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Position factor/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Response value/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Position factor/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Response value/
Enter a name for the Control sample.
'Assay control', 'Control 3', 'Ctr'
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Assay elements/Control/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Setup/Assay elements/Control/
Enter a name for this document.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 1...1 | required | none |
/Combination of microbial assays/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/
Enter a name for the Standard sample.
'Standard', 'Std', 'Reference standard'
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Setup/Assay elements/Standard/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Assay elements/Standard/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Setup/Assay elements/Standard/
Enter a name for the Test sample.
'Preparation 1', 'Unknown 3', 'Test 2'
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Setup/Assay elements/Test/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Assay elements/Test/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Setup/Assay elements/Test/
No adjustment
Performs analysis without response adjustment.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Empty | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Analysis/Response data processing/choice/Adjustment/choice/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Analysis/Response data processing/choice/Adjustment/choice/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Analysis/Response data processing/choice/Adjustment/choice/
No dose transformation
Does not perform a logarithmic transformation of the dose values at the beginning of the calculation.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Empty | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Analysis/choice/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Analysis/choice/
No normalization
Performs analysis without response normalization.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Empty | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Analysis/Response data processing/choice/Normalization/choice/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Analysis/Response data processing/choice/Normalization/choice/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Analysis/Response data processing/choice/Normalization/choice/
No transformation
Performs analysis without response transformation.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Empty | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Analysis/Response data processing/choice/Transformation/choice/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Analysis/Response data processing/choice/Transformation/choice/
Normalize your response values by Fixed value or by Assay element. The processing step applies for all assay elements.
Expand the node to add or view information.
Example: Use this feature to divide by the mean absorbance of maximum binding wells.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Analysis/Response data processing/choice/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Analysis/Response data processing/choice/
Normalize your response values by Fixed value or by Assay element.
Expand the node to add or view information.
Example: Use this feature to divide by the mean absorbance of maximum binding wells.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Analysis/Response data processing/choice/
Number of plates
Enter the number of plates to be used for this assay.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:integer | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Setup/Assay design/
Number of positions
Sets the number of positions available for this position factor.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:positiveInteger | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Position factor/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Position factor/
Number of replicates
Enter a number to specify how many replicates the referencing assay elements (samples) require for each dose step.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:positiveInteger | 1...1 | required | none |
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Setup/Assay elements/Standard/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Setup/Assay elements/Test/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Setup/Assay elements/Control/
Observation data
This section allows you to modify the data table that displays observation data in the Observations editor.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Setup/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Setup/
Observation group ID
Displays the Observation group ID.
When you create an assay element, a unique Observation group ID is automatically assigned. Since Observation group IDs are required to be unique within assays, we do not recommend to change them manually.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:positiveInteger | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Setup/Assay elements/Standard/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Setup/Assay elements/Test/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Assay elements/Standard/Reference step group ID/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Assay elements/Standard/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Assay elements/Test/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Assay elements/Control/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Setup/Assay elements/Standard/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Setup/Assay elements/Test/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Setup/Assay elements/Control/
Observation source
Select how you want to obtain observation data.
The following options are available from the drop-down list:
- User input: Enter data manually.
- Aggregation: Specify document references to aggregate data from documents.
- Import: Not supported.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 1...1 | required | none |
/Combination of microbial assays/Potency data/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Setup/Observation data/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Observation data/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Setup/Observation data/
This section allows you to provide information on an operator.
Expand the node to add or view information.
To add an Operator name or reference: Select the required option from the drop-down list, and enter the name or reference.
To assign a role to the operator: Add the Role element from the Creatable elements pane, and enter the required role.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Combination of microbial assays/Documentation/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Documentation/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Documentation/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Documentation/
Operator name
Enter the name of the operator.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 1...1 | required | none |
/Combination of microbial assays/Documentation/Operator/choice/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Documentation/Operator/choice/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Documentation/Operator/choice/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Documentation/Operator/choice/
Operator reference
Select an operator document.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 1...1 | required | none |
/Combination of microbial assays/Documentation/Operator/choice/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Documentation/Operator/choice/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Documentation/Operator/choice/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Documentation/Operator/choice/
Select the Parameter to be examined by this test.
Please consult the help page on the test for additional information.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Analysis/Test system/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Analysis/Test system/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Analysis/Test system/Assay suitability tests/choice/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Analysis/Test system/Sample suitability tests/choice/Test: Parameter/property point estimate/
Perform outlier test
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 1...1 | required | none |
/Combination of microbial assays/Analysis/
Enter the pH of the medium.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:double | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Documentation/Inoculum/Seed layer/Medium/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Documentation/Base layer/Medium/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Documentation/Inoculum/Test organism/Incubation/Incubation medium/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Documentation/Inoculum/Inoculum medium/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Documentation/Base layer/Medium/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Documentation/Inoculum/Test organism/Incubation/Incubation medium/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Documentation/Inoculum/Inoculum medium/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Documentation/Inoculum/Test organism/Incubation/Incubation medium/
Plate replicates
Enter a number to specify how many plate replicates this assay requires.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:integer | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Assay design/
Potency data
This section allows you to adjust the dataset structure used to summarize Reportable values generated by Combination of microbial assays documents.
Expand the node to add or view information.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 1...1 | required | none |
/Combination of microbial assays/
Potency of high concentration solution
Enter a decimal number to specify the potency of the high concentration solution. This value serves as step 1 (of 2) of the concentration sequence for both the Standard and the Test sample.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:double | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Setup/Assay design/Standard solutions/
Potency of low concentration solution
Enter a decimal number to specify the potency of the low concentration solution. This value serves as step 2 (of 2) of the concentration sequence for both the Standard and the Test sample.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:double | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Setup/Assay design/Standard solutions/
Potency unit
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Setup/Assay design/Standard solutions/
Enter a decimal number greater than zero to specify the predilution factor to be used for this Test sample. The system multiplies the working concentration of the sample with this factor to determine the absolute concentration of the sample.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:double | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Assay elements/Test/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Assay elements/Control/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Setup/Assay elements/Test/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Setup/Assay elements/Control/
Enter a decimal number greater than zero to specify the predilution factor to be used for this Test sample. The system multiplies the working concentration of the sample with this factor to determine the absolute concentration of the sample.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:double | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Setup/Assay elements/Test/
Property filter
Define a section property filter to be used for data aggregation.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 1...unbounded | required | none |
/Combination of microbial assays/Potency data/Column: Section/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Section/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Section/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Section/
Property key
Select a Property key to identify the data to be aggregated.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Response value/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Position factor/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Response value/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Position factor/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Response value/
Property key
Select a Property key to identify the data to be aggregated.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 1...1 | required | none |
/Combination of microbial assays/Potency data/Column: Section/Property filter/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Section/Property filter/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Section/Property filter/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Section/Property filter/
Property scope
Select a Property scope from the drop-down list.
The following options are available to specify the source of the aggregated property:
- Document
- Section
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Response value/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Position factor/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Response value/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Position factor/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Setup/Observation data/Column: Response value/
Rack scope
Select the rack whose response values are to be modified during response data processing.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:positiveInteger | 0...1 | required | none |
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Analysis/Response data processing/choice/Adjustment/choice/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Analysis/Response data processing/choice/Normalization/choice/
This section allows you to provide information on a reagent.
Expand the node to add or view information.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...unbounded | optional | none |
/Combination of microbial assays/Documentation/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Documentation/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Documentation/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Documentation/
Reagent batch/lot number
Enter the reagent batch or lot number, a combination of numbers, letters, and/or symbols. It identifies a batch (or lot), which allows you to infer the production and distribution history.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Combination of microbial assays/Documentation/Reagent/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Documentation/Reagent/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Documentation/Reagent/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Documentation/Reagent/
Reagent class
Enter the class of the reagent such as the drug class.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Combination of microbial assays/Documentation/Reagent/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Documentation/Reagent/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Documentation/Reagent/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Documentation/Reagent/
Reagent description
Enter a description of the reagent.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:string | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Combination of microbial assays/Documentation/Reagent/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Documentation/Reagent/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Documentation/Reagent/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Documentation/Reagent/
Reagent identification
Enter information to identify the reagent.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Combination of microbial assays/Documentation/Reagent/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Documentation/Reagent/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Documentation/Reagent/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Documentation/Reagent/
Reagent name
Enter a name for the reagent.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Combination of microbial assays/Documentation/Reagent/choice/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Documentation/Reagent/choice/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Documentation/Reagent/choice/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Documentation/Reagent/choice/
Reagent reference
Select a reagent document.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Combination of microbial assays/Documentation/Reagent/choice/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Documentation/Reagent/choice/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Documentation/Reagent/choice/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Documentation/Reagent/choice/
Reagent sub-batch/sub-lot number
Enter the reagent sub-batch or sub-lot number, a combination of numbers, letters, and/or symbols. It identifies a sub-batch (or sub-lot), which allows you to infer the production and distribution history.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Combination of microbial assays/Documentation/Reagent/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Documentation/Reagent/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Documentation/Reagent/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Documentation/Reagent/
Reagent variant
Enter the variant of the reagent.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Combination of microbial assays/Documentation/Reagent/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Documentation/Reagent/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Documentation/Reagent/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Documentation/Reagent/
Reference concentration
Enter a decimal number greater than zero to specify the working concentration to be used by the calculation for the reference step of the concentration sequence such as for the median test dilution of the standard as defined by USP <81>.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:double | 1...1 | required | none |
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Setup/Assay elements/Standard/Stepwise concentration sequence/choice/
Reference measurements per plate
Enter a number to specify how many reference measurements this assay requires on each plate.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:integer | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Assay design/
Reference step group ID
Displays the Observation group ID of the Reference step.
When you create an assay element, a unique Observation group ID is automatically assigned. Since Observation group IDs are required to be unique within assays, we do not recommend to change them manually.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Assay elements/Standard/
Refence step
This section allows you to define the reference step of the concentration sequence such as the median test dilution of the standard as defined by USP <81>.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Assay elements/Standard/Stepwise concentration sequence/choice/
Replicate averaging
Enable this feature if you want to fit the regression by using the mean of the response values for each sequence step rather than individual response values.
Expand the node to add or view information.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Analysis/Response data processing/choice/
Response data processing
This section allows you to define how your response data is to be processed prior to fitting the regression model. You set up a sequence of response data processing steps.
Expand the node to add or view information.
Two types of response data processing are available:
- Adjustment
- Normalization
By default, two response data processing steps are displayed - one of each type. By default, both steps are disabled. Enable the steps you require.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Analysis/
Response data processing
This section allows you to define how your response data is to be processed prior to fitting the regression model. You set up a sequence of response data processing steps.
Expand the node to add or view information.
Three types of response data processing are available:
- Adjustment
- Normalization
- Transformation
By default, three response data processing steps are displayed - one of each type. By default, all three steps are disabled. Enable the steps you require.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 1...1 | required | none |
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Analysis/
Response data processing
This section allows you to define how your response data is to be processed prior to fitting the regression model. You set up a sequence of response data processing steps.
Expand the node to add or view information.
Four types of response data processing are available:
- Adjustment
- Normalization
- Transformation
- Replicate averaging
By default, four response data processing steps are displayed - one of each type. By default, all four steps are disabled. Enable the steps you require.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 1...1 | required | none |
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Analysis/
Enter the role of the operator.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
xs:token | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Combination of microbial assays/Documentation/Operator/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Documentation/Operator/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Documentation/Operator/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Documentation/Operator/
Row order
Select the sort order you want to apply to the data rows.
This element has the following attributes:
Data type | Multiplicity | Usage | Default value |
Node | 0...1 | optional | none |
/Combination of microbial assays/Potency data/
/Cylinder-plate assay (JP 4.02)/Setup/Observation data/
/Cylinder-plate assay (USP <81>)/Setup/Observation data/
/Turbidimetric assay (USP <81>, JP 4.02)/Setup/Observation data/