Digest of document properties for data aggregation
Find a list of property keys available for data aggregation in the bioMérieux Endotoxin Detection Assay Package add-on.
Label | Description | Key |
General: Document Title {String} |
Title of the Document. |
http://purl.org/dc/terms/title |
Analyte Document Key {String} |
Document key of the referenced analyte document. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/protocol/analyte |
Operator Document Key {String} |
Document key of the referenced operator document. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/protocol/operator |
Analyte Document Title {String} |
Title of the referenced analyte document. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/protocol/analyteTitle |
Operator Document Title {String} |
Title of the referenced operator document. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/protocol/operatorTitle |
Control Line Minimum {Numeric} |
The minimum of the observed control line values. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/ControlLineMinimum |
Control Line Maximum {Numeric} |
The maximum of the observed control line values. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/ControlLineMaximum |
Control Line Coefficient of Variation {Numeric} |
The coefficient of variation of the control line values. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/ControlLineCoefficientOfVariation |
Unrestricted Regression: EC50 (absolute) of Test & Control {Numeric} |
The absolute EC50 value for the test or control sample including the backfit calculation if raw material, stock solution or dilution factors are given. The calculation is based on the unrestricted fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/UnrestrictedRegressionAbsoluteEc50TestControl |
Unrestricted Regression: EC50 (absolute) of Standard {Numeric} |
The absolute EC50 value for the standard sample including the backfit calculation if raw material, stock solution or dilution factors are given. The calculation is based on the unrestricted fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/UnrestrictedRegressionAbsoluteEc50Standard |
Unrestricted Regression: EC50 {Numeric} |
The EC50 value derived from the unrestricted fit. Raw material, stock solution or dilution factors are not included. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/UnrestrictedRegressionEc50 |
ANOVA: Degrees of Freedom Model {Numeric} |
The number of degrees of freedom of the model term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_model_df |
ANOVA: Sum of Squares Model {Numeric} |
The sum of squares of the model term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_model_ss |
ANOVA: Mean Square Model {Numeric} |
The mean square error of the model term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_model_meansq |
ANOVA: F-Ratio Model {Numeric} |
The F-ratio of the model term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_model_fratio |
ANOVA: Probability Model {Numeric} |
The probability of the model term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_model_prob |
ANOVA: Degrees of Freedom Treatment {Numeric} |
The number of degrees of freedom of the treatment term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_treat_df |
ANOVA: Sum of Squares Treatment {Numeric} |
The sum of squares of the treatment term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_treat_ss |
ANOVA: Mean Square Treatment {Numeric} |
The mean square error of the treatment term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_treat_meansq |
ANOVA: F-Ratio Treatment {Numeric} |
The F-ratio of the treatment term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_treat_fratio |
ANOVA: Probability Treatment {Numeric} |
The probability of the treatment term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_treat_prob |
ANOVA: Degrees of Freedom Preparation {Numeric} |
The number of degrees of freedom of the preparation term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_prep_df |
ANOVA: Sum of Squares Preparation {Numeric} |
The sum of squares of the preparation term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_prep_ss |
ANOVA: Mean Square Preparation {Numeric} |
The mean square error of the preparation term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_prep_meansq |
ANOVA: F-Ratio Preparation {Numeric} |
The F-ratio of the preparation term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_prep_fratio |
ANOVA: Probability Preparation {Numeric} |
The probability of the preparation term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_prep_prob |
ANOVA: Degrees of Freedom Regression {Numeric} |
The number of degrees of freedom of the regression term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_reg_df |
ANOVA: Sum of Squares Regression {Numeric} |
The sum of squares of the regression term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_reg_ss |
ANOVA: Mean Square Regression {Numeric} |
The mean square error of the regression term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_reg_meansq |
ANOVA: F-Ratio Regression {Numeric} |
The F-ratio of the regression term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_reg_fratio |
ANOVA: Probability Regression {Numeric} |
The probability of the regression term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_reg_prob |
ANOVA: Degrees of Freedom Non-Parallelism {Numeric} |
The number of degrees of freedom of the non-parallelism term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_np_df |
ANOVA: Sum of Squares Non-Parallelism {Numeric} |
The sum of squares of the non-parallelism term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_np_ss |
ANOVA: Mean Square Non-Parallelism {Numeric} |
The mean square error of the non-parallelism term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_np_meansq |
ANOVA: F-Ratio Non-Parallelism {Numeric} |
The F-ratio of the non-parallelism term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_np_fratio |
ANOVA: Probability Non-Parallelism {Numeric} |
The probability of the non-parallelism term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_np_prob |
ANOVA: Degrees of Freedom Residual Error {Numeric} |
The number of degrees of freedom of the residual error term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_reserror_df |
ANOVA: Sum of Squares Residual Error {Numeric} |
The sum of squares of the residual error term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_reserror_ss |
ANOVA: Mean Square Residual Error {Numeric} |
The mean square error of the residual error term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_reserror_meansq |
ANOVA: F-Ratio Residual Error {Numeric} |
The F-ratio of the residual error term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_reserror_fratio |
ANOVA: Probability Residual Error {Numeric} |
The probability of the residual error term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_reserror_prob |
ANOVA: Degrees of Freedom Non-Linearity {Numeric} |
The number of degrees of freedom of the non-linearity term (lack of fit). |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_lof_df |
ANOVA: Sum of Squares Non-Linearity {Numeric} |
The sum of squares of the non-linearity term (lack of fit). |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_lof_ss |
ANOVA: Mean Square Non-Linearity {Numeric} |
The mean square error of the non-linearity term (lack of fit). |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_lof_meansq |
ANOVA: F-Ratio Non-Linearity {Numeric} |
The F-ratio of the non-linearity term (lack of fit). |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_lof_fratio |
ANOVA: Probability Non-Linearity {Numeric} |
The probability of the non-linearity term (lack of fit). |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_lof_prob |
ANOVA: Degrees of Freedom Pure Error {Numeric} |
The number of degrees of freedom of the pure error term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_pureerror_df |
ANOVA: Sum of Squares Pure Error {Numeric} |
The sum of squares of the pure error term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_pureerror_ss |
ANOVA: Mean Square Pure Error {Numeric} |
The mean square error of the pure error term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_pureerror_meansq |
ANOVA: Degrees of Freedom Total {Numeric} |
The number of degrees of freedom of the total term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_total_df |
ANOVA: Sum of Squares Total {Numeric} |
The sum of squares of the total term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_total_ss |
ANOVA: Mean Square Total {Numeric} |
The mean square error of the total term. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/anova_total_meansq |
[EMD] ANOVA: Sum of Squares Non-Parallelism {Numeric} |
The sum of squares of the non-parallelism term from the ANOVA table. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_ss_np |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Covariance A/D of Test Sample {Numeric} |
The covariance of upper and lower asymptote for the test or control sample of the unrestricted regression fit. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_tst_a_d_cov |
Restricted Regression: Parameter A-D {Numeric} |
The difference of the estimated upper and estimated lower asymptote (fold difference) of the restricted regression fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/RestrictedRegressionParameterAMinusD |
Restricted Regression: Parameter A/D {Numeric} |
The ratio of the estimated upper and estimated lower asymptote (fold ratio) of the restricted regression fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/RestrictedRegressionParameterADividedByD |
Unrestricted Regression: Parameter A-D {Numeric} |
The difference of the estimated upper and estimated lower asymptote (fold difference) of the unrestricted regression fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/UnrestrictedRegressionParameterAMinusD |
Unrestricted Regression: Parameter A/D {Numeric} |
The ratio of the estimated upper and estimated lower asymptote (fold ratio) of the unrestricted regression fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/UnrestrictedRegressionParameterADividedByD |
Unrestricted Regression: Parameter A {Numeric} |
The estimated A parameter of the unrestricted regression fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/UnrestrictedRegressionParameterA |
Unrestricted Regression: Parameter B {Numeric} |
The estimated B parameter of the unrestricted regression fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/UnrestrictedRegressionParameterB |
Unrestricted Regression: Parameter C {Numeric} |
The estimated C parameter of the unrestricted regression fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/UnrestrictedRegressionParameterC |
Unrestricted Regression: Parameter C (antilog) {Numeric} |
The antilog of the estimated C parameter of the unrestricted regression fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/UnrestrictedRegressionParameterCAntilog |
Unrestricted Regression: Parameter D {Numeric} |
The estimated D parameter of the unrestricted regression fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/UnrestrictedRegressionParameterD |
Unrestricted Regression: Parameter G {Numeric} |
The estimated G parameter of the unrestricted regression fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/UnrestrictedRegressionParameterG |
Unrestricted Regression: Intercept {Numeric} |
The estimated intercept of the unrestricted regression fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/UnrestrictedRegressionIntercept |
Unrestricted Regression: Slope {Numeric} |
The estimated slope parameter of the unrestricted regression fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/UnrestrictedRegressionSlope |
Restricted Regression: Parameter A {Numeric} |
The estimated A parameter of the restricted regression fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/RestrictedRegressionParameterA |
Restricted Regression: Parameter B {Numeric} |
The estimated B parameter of the restricted regression fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/RestrictedRegressionParameterB |
Restricted Regression: Parameter C of Test & Control {Numeric} |
The estimated C parameter of the restricted regression fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/RestrictedRegressionParameterCTestControl |
Restricted Regression: Parameter C (antilog) of Test & Control {Numeric} |
The antilog of the estimated C parameter of the restricted regression fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/RestrictedRegressionParameterCAntilogTestControl |
Restricted Regression: Parameter C of Standard {Numeric} |
The estimated C parameter of the standard sample of the restricted regression fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/RestrictedRegressionParameterCStandard |
Restricted Regression: Parameter C (antilog) of Standard {Numeric} |
The antilog of the estimated C parameter of the standard sample of the restricted regression fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/RestrictedRegressionParameterCAntilogStandard |
Restricted Regression: Parameter D {Numeric} |
The estimated D parameter of the restricted regression fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/RestrictedRegressionParameterD |
Restricted Regression: Parameter G {Numeric} |
The estimated G parameter of the restricted regression fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/RestrictedRegressionParameterG |
Restricted Regression: Parameter R {Numeric} |
The estimated R parameter (log relative potency) of the restricted regression fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/RestrictedRegressionParameterR |
Restricted Regression: Intercept {Numeric} |
The estimated intercept of the restricted regression fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/RestrictedRegressionIntercept |
Restricted Regression: Slope {Numeric} |
The estimated slope of the restricted regression fit. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/RestrictedRegressionSlope |
Potency: Potency Unit {String} |
The unit of the abolute potency. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/edp/document/property/qra/potencyunit |
Control Line Mean {Numeric} |
Mean of the control line response values. The mean is calculated for the untransformed response. Values marked as technical outlier do not enter the calculation. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/ControlLineMean |
Control Line Standard Error {Numeric} |
Empirical standard deviation of the control line response values. The standard deviation is calculated for the untransformed response. Values marked as technical outlier do not enter the calculation. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/ControlLineStandardError |
General: Date {DateTime} |
Date |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/date |
General: Task Execution Status {String} |
Status of the document. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/status |
General: Assay Element Type {String} |
Type of the assay element (Standard, Test or Control). |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/elementtype |
Potency: Relative Potency {Numeric} |
Relative potency value. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/relativepotency |
Potency: Relative Potency - Lower Confidence Limit {Numeric} |
Lower confidence limit of the relative potency. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/relativepotency_lowerlimit |
Potency: Relative Potency - Upper Confidence Limit {Numeric} |
Upper confidence limit of the relative potency. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/relativepotency_upperlimit |
Potency: Absolute Potency {Numeric} |
Absolute potency value. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/absolutepotency |
Potency: Absolute Potency - Lower Confidence Limit {Numeric} |
Lower confidence limit of the absolute potency. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/absolutepotency_lowerlimit |
Potency: Absolute Potency - Upper Confidence Limit {Numeric} |
Upper confidence limit of the absolute potency. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/absolutepotency_upperlimit |
Potency: Weight {Numeric} |
Potency weight, which is used in a weighted combination of independent assays. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/PotencyWeight |
[EMD|COA] ANOVA: Degrees of Freedom (Pure Error|Residual Error) {Numeric} |
The degrees of freedom used for the calculation of the potency confidence interval. This depends on the chosen ANOVA model. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/coa_df |
Overall Test Result {String} |
The assay's overall test result. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/testresult |
Regression Model {String} |
The regression model used for analyzing the assay. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/coa_model |
[COA] General: Group ID {String} |
The group ID determining which elements will be combined in the same combination of independent assay calculation. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/coa_group |
[COA] Potency: Confidence Level {Numeric} |
The confidence level of the calculated potency confidence intervals. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/coa_confidence_level |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Parameter A of Test Sample {Numeric} |
The estimated parameter value of the upper asymptote of the test sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_tst_a |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Standard Deviation Parameter A of Test Sample {Numeric} |
The estimated standard deviation of the upper asymptote of the test sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_tst_a_se |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Parameter A of Standard {Numeric} |
The estimated parameter value of the upper asymptote of the standard sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_std_a |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Standard Deviation Parameter A of Standard {Numeric} |
The estimated standard deviation of the upper asymptote of the standard sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_std_a_se |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Parameter B of Test Sample {Numeric} |
The estimated B parameter of the test sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_tst_b |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Standard Deviation Parameter B of Test Sample {Numeric} |
The estimated standard deviation of the B parameter of the test sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_tst_b_se |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Parameter B of Standard {Numeric} |
The estimated B parameter of the slope of the standard sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_std_b |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Standard Deviation Parameter C of Standard {Numeric} |
The estimated standard deviation of the C parameter of the standard sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_std_b_se |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Parameter C of Test Sample {Numeric} |
The estimated C parameter of the test sample. In case of a 4-parameter-logistic fit this is the log inflection point. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_tst_c |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Standard Deviation Parameter C of Test Sample {Numeric} |
The estimated standard deviation of the C parameter of the test sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_tst_c_se |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Parameter C of Standard {Numeric} |
The estimated C parameter of the standard sample. In case of a 4-parameter-logistic fit this is the log inflection point. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_std_c |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Standard Deviation Parameter C of Standard {Numeric} |
The estimated standard deviation of the C Parameter of the standard sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_std_c_se |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Parameter D of Test Sample {Numeric} |
The estimated parameter value of the lower asymptote of the test sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_tst_d |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Standard Deviation Parameter D of Test Sample {Numeric} |
The estimated standard deviation of the lower asymptote of the test sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_tst_d_se |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Parameter D of Standard {Numeric} |
The estimated parameter value of the lower asymptote of the standard sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_std_d |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Standard Deviation Parameter D of Standard {Numeric} |
The estimated standard deviation of the lower asymptote of the standard sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_std_d_se |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Parameter G of Test Sample {Numeric} |
The estimated parameter value of the asymmetry parameter of the test sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_tst_g |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Standard Deviation Parameter G of Test Sample {Numeric} |
The estimated standard deviation value of the asymmetry parameter of the test sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_tst_g_se |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Parameter G of Standard {Numeric} |
The estimated parameter value of the asymmetry parameter of the standard sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_std_g |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Standard Deviation Parameter G of Standard {Numeric} |
The estimated standard deviation value of the asymmetry parameter of the standard sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_std_g_se |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Slope of Test Sample {Numeric} |
The estimated parameter value of the slope of the test sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_tst_m |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Standard Deviation Slope of Test Sample {Numeric} |
The estimated standard deviation of the slope of the test sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_tst_m_se |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Slope of Standard {Numeric} |
The estimated parameter value of the slope of the standard sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_std_m |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Standard Deviation Slope of Standard {Numeric} |
The estimated standard deviation of the slope of the standard sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_std_m_se |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Intercept of Test Sample {Numeric} |
The estimated parameter value of the y-axis intercept of the test sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_tst_n |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Standard Deviation Intercept of Test Sample {Numeric} |
The estimated standard deviation of the y-axis intercept of the test sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_tst_n_se |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Intercept of Standard {Numeric} |
The estimated parameter value of the y-axis intercept of the standard sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_std_n |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Standard Deviation Intercept of Standard {Numeric} |
The estimated standard deviation of the y-axis intercept of the standard sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_std_n_se |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Covariance A/D of Standard {Numeric} |
Estimated covariance of upper and lower asymptote of the standard sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_std_a_d_cov |
[EMD] Unrestricted Regression: Covariance A/D of Test Sample {Numeric} |
Estimated covariance of upper and lower asymptote of the test sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_tst_a_d_cov |
[EMD] ANOVA: Sum of Squares Non-Linearity {Numeric} |
Sum of squares non-linearity (lack of fit) |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_ss_lof |
[EMD] ANOVA: Mean Square Error (Pure Error|Residual Error) {Numeric} |
The estimated variance. This value depends on the chosen ANOVA model. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_var |
General: Task Execution Status {String} |
Status of the calculation service. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/status |
General: Date {DateTime} |
Date of this document. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/date |
Potency: Combined Absolute Potency {Numeric} |
Absolute potency of the calculation method, defined in the combination calculation document. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/edp/document/property/coa/absolute_potency |
Potency: Combined Absolute Potency Unit {String} |
Unit of the absolute potency of the calculation method. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/edp/document/property/coa/absolute_potency_unit |
Potency: Combined Absolute Potency - Lower Confidence Limit {Numeric} |
Lower confidence limit of the absolute potency of the calculation method. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/edp/document/property/coa/absolute_potency_lower_confidence_limit |
Potency: Combined Absolute Potency - Upper Confidence Limit {Numeric} |
Upper confidence limit of the absolute potency of the calculation method. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/edp/document/property/coa/absolute_potency_upper_confidence_limit |
Potency: Combined Absolute Potency - Overall Test State {String} |
Overall test state of the absolute potency calculation. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/edp/document/property/coa/absolute_potency_status |
Potency: Combined Relative Potency {Numeric} |
Relative potency of the calculation method, defined in the combination calculation document. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/edp/document/property/coa/relative_potency |
Potency: Combined Relative Potency - Lower Confidence Limit {Numeric} |
Lower confidence limit of the relative potency of the calculation method. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/edp/document/property/coa/relative_potency_lower_confidence_limit |
Potency: Combined Relative Potency - Upper Confidence Limit {Numeric} |
Upper confidence limit of the relative potency of the calculation method. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/edp/document/property/coa/relative_potency_upper_confidence_limit |
Potency: Combined Relative Potency - Overall Test State {String} |
Overall test state of the relative potency calculation. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/edp/document/property/coa/relative_potency_status |
Potency: Method for Combined Potency {String} |
Chosen method for the combination calculation. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/coa/method |
Potency: Unweighted Combined Relative Potency {Numeric} |
[Deprecated] Relative Potency value in case of the unweighted combination calculation. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/UnweightedCombinedRelativePotency |
Potency: Unweighted Combined Relative Potency - Lower Confidence Limit {Numeric} |
[Deprecated] Lower Confidence Limit of the relative potency for the unweighted combination calculation. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/UnweightedCombinedRelativePotencyLowerConfidenceLimit |
Potency: Unweighted Combined Relative Potency - Upper Confidence Limit {Numeric} |
[Deprecated] Upper confidence limit of the relative potency for the unweighted combination calculation.. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/UnweightedCombinedRelativePotencyUpperConfidenceLimit |
Potency: Combined Relative Potency {Numeric} |
[Deprecated] Relative potency value for the combination calculation. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/CombinedRelativePotency |
Potency: Combined Relative Potency - Lower Confidence Limit {Numeric} |
[Deprecated] Lower confidence limit of the relative potency. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/CombinedRelativePotencyLowerConfidenceLimit |
Potency: Combined Relative Potency - Upper Confidence Limit {Numeric} |
[Deprecated] Upper confidence limit of the relative potency. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/CombinedRelativePotencyUpperConfidenceLimit |
Overall Test Result {String} |
[Deprecated] Overall state of the calculated tests. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/OverallTestResult |
General: Assay Element Type {String} |
Type of the assay element (Standard, Test or Control). |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/elementtype |
[EMD|COA] ANOVA: Degrees of Freedom (Pure Error|Residual Error) {Numeric} |
The degrees of freedom used for the calculation of the potency confidence interval. This depends on the chosen ANOVA model. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/coa_df |
Potency: Potency Unit {String} |
The unit of the absolute potency. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/PotencyUnit |
[EMD] Pure Error {Numeric} |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_pure_error |
[EMD] Residual Error {Numeric} |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_residual_error |
[EMD] ANOVA: Sum of Squares Non-Linearity (Standard Sample) {Numeric} |
Sum of squares non-linearity (lack of fit) of the standard sample. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_ss_lof_std |
[EMD] ANOVA: Sum of Squares Non-Linearity (Test/Control Sample) {Numeric} |
Sum of squares non-linearity (lack of fit) of the test/control sample. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_ss_lof_tst |
[EMD] ANOVA: Sum of Squares Regression {Numeric} |
Sum of squares regression. |
http://stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_ss_reg |
[EMD] Technical: Dilution String (Standard Sample) {String} |
Technical String containing information regarding the dilution settings of the standard sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_std_dilutiondefinition |
[EMD] Technical: Dilution String (Test/Control Sample) {String} |
Technical String containing information regarding the dilution settings of the test/control sample. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/emd_tst_dilutiondefinition |
[EMD] Logarithm Base {String} |
Logarithm base used for dose or response transformation. |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/bioassay/logtype |
Substance name |
http://www.stegmannsystems.com/substance/name |