Concentrations of the standard

Specify concentrations of the reference standard by setting up a stepwise concentration sequence.

Navigation: Setup > Assay elements > Standard > Stepwise concentration sequence


The Stepwise concentration sequence section provides child elements that let you define a concentration sequence by specifying the working concentration of each step individually. The position of each Concentration step element within the list defines its step number, which PLA 3.0 displays in the data table of the Observations editor.
Figure 1. Stepwise concentration sequence section of a Cylinder plate assay (USP <81>) document displayed in the Content editor
Tip: Use the Reference step > Concentration element to specify the median test dilution of the standard as defined in USP <81>.

Default settings

By default, the reference standard of a Cylinder plate assay (USP <81>) document has the following 5-step geometric sequence. You can add or delete individual concentration steps and change their values.
Step name Concentration
S1 1.5625
S2 1.25
S3 (Reference step) 1
S4 0.8
S5 0.64