Control chart documents

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Control chart
.... Name
.... Date
.... Charts
........ Chart
............ Name
............ Elements
................ Data series
.................... Name
.................... Dataset column
.................... Alternatives
........................ Color
........................ Color: defined by value
............................ Dataset column
............................ Color mappings
................................ Color mapping
.................................... Value
.................................... Color
........................ Color: defined by threshold
............................ Dataset column
............................ Threshold
............................ Color above threshold
............................ Color below threshold
........................ Color: defined by interval
............................ Dataset column
............................ Upper threshold
............................ Lower threshold
............................ Color within thresholds
............................ Color beyond thresholds
.................... Sidechart color
.................... Connecting lines
........................ Line color
.................... Applied rule sets
........................ Reference
................ Intervals
.................... Name
.................... Color
.................... Upper boundary dataset column
.................... Lower boundary dataset column
.................... Display style
.................... Applied rule sets
........................ Reference
................ Sidechart
.................... Alternatives
........................ Type: Box plot
........................ Type: Mean and SD
............................ SD factor
.................... Alternatives
........................ All data series
........................ Select data series
............................ Data series
.................... Scope
.................... Draw horizontal lines
............ Subcharts
................ Alternatives
.................... Most recent observations
.................... Most recent days
................ Alternatives
.................... Observations per subchart
.................... Days per subchart
............ Graphics settings
................ Display horizontal lines
................ Display vertical lines
................ Display rule set line labels
................ Label of the x-axis
................ Label of the y-axis
............ Comment
................ Subject
................ Text
................ Linked document
................ Date
................ Author
........ Sort data
.... Events
........ Event
............ Name
............ Color
............ Remark
............ Event time
............ Draw event marker
.... Rule sets
........ Color of rule violation marker
........ Rule set
............ Name
............ Color of limits
............ Alternatives
................ Scope: All data
................ Scope: Most recent observations
................ Scope: Most recent days
................ Scope: Time interval
.................... Alternatives
........................ Start event
........................ Start time
.................... Alternatives
........................ End event
........................ End time
............ Control limits
................ Control limit
.................... Name
.................... Upper limit
.................... Lower limit
.................... Severity level of the rule
.................... Remark
............ Control rules
................ Alternatives
.................... Mean and SD: defined by data
........................ Alternatives
............................ Start event
............................ Start time
........................ Alternatives
............................ End event
............................ End time
........................ Estimate SD based on
.................... Mean and SD: user input
........................ Mean
........................ SD
................ Predefined rules
.................... Nelson rule 1 (1 beyond 3 SD)
.................... Nelson rule 2 (9 on same side)
.................... Nelson rule 3 (6 monotonous)
.................... Nelson rule 4 (14 alternating)
.................... Nelson rule 5 (2 of 3 beyond 2 SD)
.................... Nelson rule 6 (4 of 5 beyond 1 SD)
.................... Nelson rule 7 (15 within 1 SD)
.................... Nelson rule 8 (8 beyond 1 SD)
.................... Western Electric rule 1 (1 beyond 3 SD)
.................... Western Electric rule 2 (2 of 3 beyond 2 SD)
.................... Western Electric rule 3 (4 of 5 beyond 1 SD)
.................... Western Electric rule 4 (9 on same side)
................ Advanced rules
.................... Rule: k of n points beyond z SD range (same side)
........................ Name
........................ k
........................ n
........................ z
........................ Severity level of the rule
.................... Rule: k of n points within z SD range
........................ Name
........................ k
........................ n
........................ z
........................ Severity level of the rule
.................... Rule: k of n points beyond z SD range (both sides)
........................ Name
........................ k
........................ n
........................ z
........................ Severity level of the rule
.................... Rule: n consecutive points monotonous
........................ Name
........................ n
........................ Severity level of the rule
.................... Rule: n consecutive points alternating
........................ Name
........................ n
........................ Severity level of the rule
.... Data table
........ Observation source
........ Row order
............ Direction
............ Column key
........ Alternatives
............ Column: Document reference
............ Column: Document title
................ Name
............ Column: Identification
................ Name
................ Column key
................ Section key
............ Column: Section
............ Column: Exclude from analysis
................ Name
................ Column Key
................ Property Scope
................ Property key
................ Section key
............ Column: Date/time
................ Name
................ Column key
................ Property Scope
................ Property key
................ Section key
............ Column: Floating-point number
................ Name
................ Column key
................ Property Scope
................ Property key
................ Section key
............ Column: Text
................ Name
................ Column key
................ Property Scope
................ Property key
................ Section key
.... Comment
........ Subject
........ Text
........ Linked document
........ Date
........ Author