Rule sets
Use rule sets as a unified control system to apply the same visualization options to multiple rules, adjust periods of validity using events, and monitored data series for multiple rules based on control limits and control rules.
Control limits
Control limits define a range of acceptable values, determined by an upper and a lower limit. Any value outside of this range is considered to be a rule violation and needs to be marked as such. Use the Control Chart Package to set up rule sets with independently defined control limits. These rules will be drawn as horizontal lines on your control chart.
Control rules
In statistical process control, conspicuous data such as pattern anomalies and extreme values need to be detected and marked as rule violations in the related control chart. Control rules support you during this process in that they allow you to configure as of when data is considered to be out-of-control. Use them to monitor critical attributes, detect out-of-control data, and visualize rule violations in control charts.
Select one or more of the predefined rules (Nelson rules 1 to 8 or Western Electric rules 1 to 4), and fine-tune your process control by defining your own rules based on mean and standard deviation. Limits can be set manually or derived automatically from a specified subset of the data.
Assigning rule sets to charts
Setting up a unified control system employing rule sets is a two-step process. In the first step, you configure the rule sets by defining control limits and control rules. In the second step, you set up the charts, add the required data series and assign the rules sets to the data series they should monitor. One chart can plot several data series and the same rule set can be assigned to multiple data series of multiple charts.