System requirements

Make sure your system meets the requirements listed below.

Requirement Background

PLA version 3.0.5 or higher is installed.

Required to run add-on version 1.3.0 of the Gen5™ Data Acquisition Module.

Version 14 or higher of the Biological Assay Package add-on is activated in your database.

Required to acquire data into Quantitative response assay documents.

Version 1.0.0 of the Dose-Response Analysis Package is activated in your database.

Required to acquire data into Dose-response analysis documents.

Version 1.0.0 of the Dichotomous Assay Package is activated in your database.

Note: This add-on requires PLA version 3.0.6 or higher.

Required to acquire data into Dichotomous assay documents.

The Gen5™ software is installed on the computer you want to use for the data acquisition.

To select an experiment file, a functional version of the Gen5™ software is required.