Structure of the reports

The reports in the additional report file formats generated by the Integration Report Package share the same content and the general structure. The order and the detailed structure depend on the file format.

The general content elements are as follows:
Content Description

Metadata / information

Details like document key, title, version, type, creation and modification information (with user and time-stamp).


Configuration of the experiment, including the following elements:

  • Elements involved (for example standards and test samples) with their respective group IDs, preparation schemes, and color codes.
  • Preparation schemes: Detailed steps for preparation, including the step count, replicate count, potency definitions, and dilution factors.
  • Dataset: Information on observation sources, observation groups (with IDs and values), and specific details for each step of the experiment, including dose values, responses, and outlier status.


Model used for analysis (for example 3-parameter logistic fit with fixed upper asymptote), response transformation details, data selection schemes, and tests conducted for assay suitability and sample suitability.


Execution details, including the user, start and stop times, host information, and platform details.


Overall status of the analysis, indicating if it passed, failed, or passed with warnings.

Assay results

Results, including the following entities:
  • Actual detailed results for each assay element, including base statistics (mean, standard error, coefficient of variation) for each step, model fit results, potency estimates, and summary.
  • Suitability test definitions: Specifics on the types of suitability tests conducted, including parameters like confidence level, scope, and severity.
Note: Depending on the file format of the report, the order of the content as well as the inner structure can differ from the one shown in the table.