PLA 3.0.7 framework

Download PDF guides for the current framework version.

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Quick start



Target audience

Get PLA 3.0 up and running

Describes how to get a licensed version of PLA 3.0 up and running in your environment.

System administrators, IT personnel, and users who are responsible for setting up PLA 3.0 in their environment

Get PLA 3.0 up and running in an offline environment

Describes how to get a licensed version of PLA 3.0 up and running in an environment without internet connection.

System administrators, IT personnel, and users who are responsible for setting up PLA 3.0 in their environment

Get the PLA 3.0 trial version up and running

Describes how to get the PLA 3.0 trial version up and running in an environment with internet connection.

System administrators, IT personnel, and users who are responsible for setting up PLA 3.0 in their environment

Main guides



Target audience

PLA 3.0 Installation and Licensing Guide

Basic concepts of the PLA 3.0 installation and licensing process and provides background information on deployment, initial setup, and update procedures.

Support system administrators in adjusting the setup of PLA 3.0 to company guidelines

PLA 3.0 User Guide

Basic concepts of the PLA 3.0 user interface and details on how to use PLA 3.0 in your daily business.

All users of PLA 3.0

PLA 3.0 Administration Guide

Administrative PLA 3.0 tasks like database administration and maintenance and the setup of rights and permissions.

System and functional administrators




Target audience

PLA 3.0 Verification and Validation Guide

As PLA 3.0 is non-configurable and calculations are always performed within the verified space, it can be categorized as an ISPE GAMP® 5 category 3 solution. This guide describes the concepts utilized by Stegmann Systems in this context.

Users of PLA 3.0 who want to achieve compliance with regulations such as ISPE GAMP® 5 and 21 CFR Part 11 or want to validate PLA 3.0 in their environment

PLA 3.0 Validation Package User Guide

Describes how to work with the PLA 3.0 Validation Package.

System administrators of PLA 3.0 who want to validate PLA 3.0 in their environment to achieve compliance with ISPE GAMP® 5




Target audience

Content editor and data editors in PLA 3.0

Content editor and the various data editors of PLA 3.0. The guide details the underlying concepts and provides details on how to work with these editors.

Users of PLA 3.0 who want to learn how to efficiently use editors in their daily work

Database administration and maintenance in PLA 3.0

Describes how to work with PLA 3.0 databases. It details the basic concepts behind databases and database management and explains the most common procedures.

Users and system administrators who want to gain a deeper understanding of PLA 3.0 databases

Document management in PLA 3.0

Describes how to create, organize, and work with PLA 3.0 documents. It details common actions and provides background information on document-related concepts.

Users of PLA 3.0 who want to gain a deeper understanding of the concepts behind working with documents

Extensibility with PLA 3.0 add ons

Background information on PLA 3.0 add-ons. The guide describes the main tasks when working with add-ons and details administrative tasks.

System administrators of PLA 3.0 who want to maintain the add-ons available in their PLA 3.0 environment. The guide also contains details for users who want to learn how to efficiently work with add-ons.

Rights and permissions in PLA 3.0

Describes how to use the account management feature of PLA 3.0 to set up rights and permissions. The guide details the basic concepts behind account management and explains the most common procedures.

Users and system administrators who want to gain a deeper understanding of PLA 3.0 account management, folder properties, and the use of directory services

Templates and protection settings in PLA 3.0

Describes how to work with document templates in PLA 3.0. The guide details the basic concepts behind templates and explains the most common procedures.

Users and system administrators who want to gain a deeper understanding of this PLA 3.0 feature

User interface of PLA 3.0

User interface of PLA 3.0. The guide details the basic concepts and explains the most common procedures.

Users and system administrators who want to gain a deeper understanding of how to efficiently work with PLA 3.0

How-to guides



Target audience

Activating your PLA 3.0 license

Describes how to activate a PLA 3.0 license in your environment, using a software key.

System administrators, IT personnel, and users who are responsible for maintaining PLA 3.0 licenses

Extending your trial period

You can evaluate and test the PLA 3.0 trial version for 14 days free of charge. To continue testing after the trial period has elapsed, you have to request an extension of your trial period.

System administrators, IT personnel, and users who are responsible for setting up PLA 3.0 in their environment

Transferring your PLA 3.0 license

Describes how to transfer a PLA 3.0 license from a source to a target computer.

System administrators, IT personnel, and users who are responsible for maintaining PLA 3.0 licenses

Updating to PLA 3.0.7

Describes how to update your existing PLA 3.0 environment to PLA 3.0.7. The guide details the basic steps of the update process and highlights differences between PLA 3.0.7 and previous PLA 3.0 versions.

PLA 3.0 system administrators who are already familiar with the deployment of PLA 3.0 in their environment